Reviews and Previews PlanetSide Massive Multiplayer Online Shooter

[7.9/10] by Andrew Park. "...PlanetSide has a lot going for it: It has a persistent world with persistent goals that give players real incentives to work in teams, and it has an extremely strict system for dealing with 'grief' players..."

    Top: Games: Video Games: Shooter: Massive Multiplayer Online: PlanetSide

Reviews and Previews

See Also:
  • AtomicGamer - [87%] By Jeff Buckland. "Planetside is a mostly-successful fusion of reviews and previews MMORPG and first person shooter gameplay."
  • The Entertainment Depot - [7/10] By Ryan Newman. "While it\\'s fun now, it could reviews and previews be phenomenal."
  • Womengamers.Com - [9/10] "Personally, I am hooked. I have gotten reviews and previews hours of enjoyment out of this game. I reviews and previews don\\'t know where the time goes when I reviews and previews play it. It's insanely fun."
  • ActionTrip - [78/100] By Matt Leyendecker. Point/Counterpoint review of PlanetSide. reviews and previews "The good part about this game is that reviews and previews it is fun, looks good, sounds great, and reviews and previews plays exactly like one would expect a game reviews and previews of this magnitude to play, minus the aforementioned reviews and previews tech
  • GameOver Review - [82%] By Aaron Butler. "I had an absolute reviews and previews reviews and previews blast joining up with friends to fight in reviews and previews reviews and previews huge battles, trying to find a combination of reviews and previews reviews and previews Certification points that finally worked for me..."
  • Video Game City - Review by Joseph Bennett, with screen shots. Score: reviews and previews 9 out of 10.
  • - [3/5] By Sal Accardo. "The game has tons reviews and previews massive multiplayer online of teamplay-oriented features, and the grief system and reviews and previews massive multiplayer online persistent server make it a perfect home for reviews and previews massive multiplayer online groups to duke it out on the world\\'s reviews and previews massive multiplayer online biggest virtual battlefield."
  • SubZeroTech - By Joel Szerlip. "Planetside is a game that planetside takes a reviews and previews great idea and ends up only planetside making a mediocre game."
  • GameRifts Review - By Div Devlin. "...[A] fast action-packed and entertaining massive multiplayer online massive multiplayer online game that will become addicting, you really can\\'t massive multiplayer online massive multiplayer online go wrong with it of you enjoy player massive multiplayer online massive multiplayer online versus player combat." With screen shots.
  • - [9/10] By Kevin Giacobbi. "I personally have been in battles with at least 100 people and talk about a blast--Just plain incredible."
  • Gaming Nexus - [7.2/10] By Bart Skinner. "It\\'s definitely a step planetside forward in massive multiplayer online gaming as far as the technology planetside used but I just massive multiplayer online don\'t feel compelled to planetside [spend] $10/month to continue playing it."
  • Game Chronicles - [9/10] By John Carswell. "While you will oftentimes reviews and previews planetside find yourself waiting around for action, once that reviews and previews planetside action arrives you\\'ll be treated to uniquely intense, reviews and previews planetside memorable and addictive combat situations."
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del - [8/10] By Andrew Zimmer. "Definitely worth it for reviews and previews reviews and previews the committed action/strategy gamers."
  • Stratos Group - [4.6/5] Review with screen shots. "Yes! It will reviews and previews massive multiplayer online suck your life away but it\\'s worth it." reviews and previews massive multiplayer online Also includes system requirements.
  • - [4.5/5] "PlanetSide\\'s neverending conflict and rewarding squad experience reviews and previews should be a godsend to FPS gamers out reviews and previews there looking for a huge and widely varied reviews and previews play experience."
  • games xtreme - [80%] "...[I]t\\'s as if EverQuest, Battlefield 1942, and Tribes 2 reviews and previews were somehow combined and the end result was something greater reviews and previews than the sum of its parts."
  • Maxim Online - [5/5] Short review by Alex Porter.
  • IGN - [7.7/10] By Dan Adams. "What can be a reviews and previews planetside really exciting team game experience is marred by reviews and previews planetside having to play with uncooperative idiots, monotonous landscapes, reviews and previews planetside long wait times to get into the action, reviews and previews planetside and some serious lack of definitive purpose."
  • Gamers With Jobs - Review [84%]. "The varied gameplay and persistent world massive multiplayer online are well worth the monthly fee."
  • Xbox Gamers - [8.875/10] By Paul Volk, Gary Moore. "The huge massive multiplayer online massive multiplayer online world and libraries of weapons and vehicles definitely massive multiplayer online massive multiplayer online give this game a unique feel, not to massive multiplayer online massive multiplayer online mention the fact that this is the first massive multiplayer online massive multiplayer online real MMOFPS ever."
  • PC vs Console - Reviewed by Chris Smith [8/10]. "Planetside is a planetside game that reviews and previews appeals to any FPS player, and planetside continues to grow even reviews and previews today."
  • MMORPG.COM - [7.4/10] By Mark Schembri. "It is a well-rounded balance of reviews and previews RPG elements, graphic and sound prowess and, of course, in-your-face reviews and previews action."
  • IGN: PlanetSide Impressions - By Dan Adams. "The idea of PlanetSide has planetside always appealed to me. A war being fought planetside over a world where players work together to planetside overcome the evil of the other side, whatever planetside that other side may be."
  • The Laser - "PlanetSide\\'s emphasis is definitely on action, but the character-building elements, different playable character types and certificate system add a lot of depth to the gameplay."
  • WorthPlaying - [7.6/10] "If you want a game that lets massive multiplayer online planetside you specialize your character, be a part of massive multiplayer online planetside a huge squad, take over bases and do massive multiplayer online planetside it all over again, PlanetSide may be for massive multiplayer online planetside you."
  • Firing Squad - [84%] By Tom Chick. "Vehicles, weapons, bases, and factions are all inter-woven into a system of balanced and sophisticated combat, even if it does feel like fighting for fighting's sake."
  • DailyGame - [7.9/10] By Ted Brockwood. "As a whole, PlanetSide planetside shows a whole lot of promise."
  • Guru3d - By Mike Nelson. "In 1-2 months, the only planetside thing that will keep me playing is if planetside the people I enjoy the game with are planetside still there -- or they end up giving planetside base taking and the war, a point."
  • Computer and Video Games - [82/100] By Richie Shoemaker. "At the moment, Planetside is a massive multiplayer online fantastically enjoyable experience unique from virtually any other FPS, but massive multiplayer online one that many people will have trouble justifying subscribing to massive multiplayer online after the 30-day free period expires."
  • What if EQ and BF1942 got 'intimate'? - [9/10] By "Kropotkin". "This rather hackneyed setting does nonetheless form a good structure for a game that takes a bit of something from a lot of games..."
  • GameSpot - [7.9/10] by Andrew Park. "...PlanetSide has a lot going massive multiplayer online for it: It has a persistent world with persistent goals massive multiplayer online that give players real incentives to work in teams, and massive multiplayer online it has an extremely strict system for dealing with \\'grief\\' massive multiplayer online players..."
  • - [B] By Jonah Falcon. "Armor is nicely implemented in that each armor type has a limited number of holsters and inventory space, making the decision of what to carry very important."
  • Game Revolution - [B] By Shawn Sanders. "It\\'s not for everyone, but those planetside who are interested and have the funds will undoubtedly be planetside pleased with all the game has to offer."
  • Game Industry News - [5/5] By John Breeden II. "Playing in a planetside huge ongoing massive multiplayer online war with real people is a planetside lot of fun, especially massive multiplayer online as you learn new planetside skills and find a job in massive multiplayer online the game planetside that you really like."
  • - [4/5] By Marcin Manek. "PlanetSide\\'s enhancements will be global in massive multiplayer online scope, providing a significant longevity boost as tactics and gameplay massive multiplayer online have to adapt to the new elements."
  • theCorporation: Mr. Poppinfresh's Planetside Re-Review - Review, with screen shots. "...[T]he game includes a surprising amount massive multiplayer online of pure, unadulterated amusement, thereby automatically setting it apart from massive multiplayer online its RPG brethren." Score: 4.5 out of 5.
  • Ferrago - [84%] By Luke Guttridge. "PlanetSide achieves in bringing reviews and previews an immersive and realistic persistent conflict to life reviews and previews so completely, and in offering the player so reviews and previews much within it."
  • - [7/10] Review by Martin Taylor. "But once you\\'ve scratched the surface and delved around beneath, that\\'s when you\\'ll realise that a game like PlanetSide needs constant development and a flow of new content to keep it fresh and interesting." With
  • The Junkyard - [8.9/10] By John Scott. "Working with you is a hand picked squad chosen by the squad leaders of each group. Your squad with everyone else fighting on the continent strive to hack, sabotage, or destroy its way into controlling base after base and towe
  • GameAxis Review - [8.3/10] By Neil Ong. "PlanetSide is immensely addictive, planetside and is guaranteed to keep you coming back planetside for more."
  • ESCMag - [8/10] By Erich Becker. "Once the game is allowed to incubate and more and more players discover the high points, the lows will definitely be outweighed and PlanetSide will have evolved the formula solidified by Tribes 2 more than two years ago."
  • Deadalfs - Review with screen shots. "Damn fine gaming with a price tag that is enticing." Score: 9/10
  • First Impressions - By Adam Pavlacka. "This isn\\'t EverQuest in space -- the reviews and previews focus of PlanetSide is teamplay, and the object is to reviews and previews kill the guys on the other team and kill them reviews and previews good."

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