Guides lay persons and non-medical users and medical practitioners to useful and reliable online medical and health information. Provides leadership in setting ethical standards for Web site developers.
Top: Health
See Also:
- Top/Recreation/Humor/Medical
- Top/Kids and Teens/Health
- Top/Business/Business Services/Consulting/Medical and Life Sciences
- Top/Society/Issues/Health
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Communication/Health Communication
- Top/Shopping/Health
Editor's Picks:
Health On the Net Foundation


- AOL Health - Find advice, information about diseases and drugs, fitness health tips, and news items.
- InteliHealth - Harvard Medical School\\'s consumer health information, journal databases, health a medical dictionary, FAQs on latest news and health live forums.
- BBC Health - Features current news plus archives, guides by subject, health "Ask a health Doctor" inquiry feature, a searchable conditions health database, message board, and health e-mail newsletter subscription.
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