Kinesiology Chiropractic Alternative

Includes directory of practitioners, instructors, courses and associations worldwide. Includes history of kinesiology, a newsletter and education material to be offered.

    Top: Health: Alternative: Chiropractic


  • Health Kinesiology - Jimmy Scott\\'s site about Health Kinesiology, a brand alternative of BioEnergetic Kinesiology which uses the acupuncture meridian alternative model of energy flow. Details of his clinic alternative in Hastings, Ontario, Canada and of his teaching alternative classes.
  • Global Kinesiology Directory - Includes directory of practitioners, instructors, courses and associations worldwide. Includes history of kinesiology, a newsletter and education material to be offered.
  • Kinesiologists United - Professional organization of kinesiologists. Free database listings for chiropractic practitioners of kinesiology all forms of muscle testing. Information chiropractic on the various types kinesiology of muscle testing used chiropractic in health care. Based in Coon kinesiology Rapids, MN.
  • Holodynamic Kinesiology - Dr William C. Gustafson, DC PA, clinic in Coon Rapids, alternative Minnesota. Site provides an overview of kinesiology.
  • International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice - Information on offered workshops, definition of kinesiology, accredited chiropractic colleges, contact chiropractic and directory resources. (New Zealand)
  • Siesta Chiropractic`s Natural Healing Center - Providing natural alternatives that facilitates the body`s own alternative innate healing ability. In Sarasota, FL.
  • Applied Kinesiology Center of San Francisco, Inc. - Information on applied kinesiology, chiropractic and services offered for health alternative and well being. (CA)
  • Make Your Life Crystal Clear - Victor Backus - Specialized kinesiology combined with cranial sacral kinesiology as chiropractic a means to diagnose or determine health problems. chiropractic Explanation of treatments for various diseases and conditions.
  • - Explanation of \\'What is Net\\', information for patients chiropractic and practitioners, alternative seminars, and find a practitioner. (Encinitas, chiropractic CA)
  • US: International College of Applied Kinesiology - US chapter. Information and courses.
  • Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology - A non-profit organization. Directory of members and list alternative of classes chiropractic offered.
  • Christine Smith's Kinesiology - An introduction to classical kinesiology.
  • - Describes the use of muscle monitoring in specialized chiropractic kinesiology. English chiropractic and Dutch.
  • International College of Applied Kinesiology - General information about applied Kinesiology.
  • Health Kinesiology UK - Information for clients, students and practitioners, self-help for chiropractic stopping an chiropractic allergic reaction, books and other products. chiropractic Also a clickable map chiropractic of practitioners.
  • Val Walters' Specialized Kinesiology - Workshops on specialized kinesiology methods Blueprint and Touch For Health in Wollongong, NSW Australia.
  • New Decision Therapy - Directory of practitioners of applied and behavioral kinesiology.

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