United Kingdom Veterinarians Veterinary Medicine Animal
Directory of UK practices. Returns a list of nearest surgeries to a postcode or placename. Provides lists by county and a keyword search. Practices can edit their entry online and add surgery information.
Top: Health: Animal: Veterinary Medicine: Veterinarians
United Kingdom
See Also:
- Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals - The PDSA provides free veterinary services for the pets of united kingdom needy owners in the UK. The site offers a history united kingdom of the organisation and opportunities to donate or volunteer. There united kingdom is a "Vet on the Net" to answer veterinary questions united kingdom and listings of
- Sharon Redrobe: Zoo Vet - UK Specialist in zoo and exotic animals. Details united kingdom of veterinarians Sharon\\'s publications and speaking engagements. Fact sheets united kingdom on reptiles, veterinarians chelonians and avian respiratory diseases.
- Internet Vet - Low cost veterinary advice for your pet offered via a veterinary medicine web-based consultation. Consultants are registered members of the Royal College veterinary medicine of Veterinary Surgeons in London, UK.
- Any UK Vet - Directory of UK practices. Returns a list of nearest surgeries to a postcode or placename. Provides lists by county and a keyword search. Practices can edit their entry online and add surgery information.
- Dr Gerecke's Pet Behaviour Service - Dr Uwe Gerecke MRCVS offers a specialist behaviour united kingdom service united kingdom for dogs and cats in Cornwall, including united kingdom home visits, united kingdom seminars and dog behaviour classes.
- Vets Now - Providers of out-of-hours emergency veterinary care. Provides information united kingdom for united kingdom veterinarians and pet owners and details of united kingdom the pet united kingdom ambulance service and career opportunities.
- Fish Veterinary Services - Specialist fish vet. Provides details of services offered veterinarians which include united kingdom a full diagnostic and prescription service veterinarians for both domestic and united kingdom commercial fish health problems.
- Veterinary Practices Directory (UK) - Directory of UK veterinary practices (requires Java), links veterinary medicine to veterinarians veterinary journals and publications worldwide, current veterinary veterinary medicine news and veterinarians details of web design services for veterinary medicine practices.
- UK Vets Directory - Provides a searchable database of over 3000 veterinary veterinary medicine surgeries around the UK.
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