Fragile X Syndrome Genetic Disorders Conditions and Diseases

Fragile X Syndrome is the leading inherited cause of developmental disabilities and mental impairment worldwide. It affects 1 in 2,000 males and 1 in 4,000 females. It is estimated that 1 in 259 females are carries of the premutation.

    Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Genetic Disorders

Fragile X Syndrome

See Also:
  • Online Support Group - Support group for Family\\'s who are dealing with genetic disorders Fragile genetic disorders X Syndrome.
  • Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada - Registered charity publishes a newsletter, invites applications for research grant, and explains how to donate or join.
  • Fragile X Association of Southern California - Fragile X Syndrome is the leading inherited cause fragile x syndrome fragile x syndrome of developmental disabilities and mental impairment worldwide. It fragile x syndrome fragile x syndrome affects 1 in 2,000 males and 1 in fragile x syndrome fragile x syndrome 4,000 females. It is estimated that 1 in fragile x syndrome fragile x syndrome 259 females are carries of the premutation.
  • Maryland Fragile X Resource Group - A community of families in and around the Washington-Baltimore metro genetic disorders area that have children affected by Fragile X Syndrome. Includes genetic disorders news, upcoming events, and resources.
  • Living with Fragile X - One family\\'s account of raising 3 children with genetic disorders Fragile fragile x syndrome X.
  • Pediatric Oncal - Information presented about Fragile X Syndrome, including the diagnoses and conditions and diseases clinical manifestations.
  • Fragile X Syndrome - Diagnostic and Carrier Testing - A Policy Statement from the American College of genetic disorders Medical fragile x syndrome Genetics.
  • FRAXA Research Foundation Home Page - Non-profit organization run by parents. Fighting to find a cure for Fragile X Syndrome and helping Fragile X Family's.
  • The National Fragile X Foundation - Features information about the disease, its treatment, and conditions and diseases conditions and diseases inheritance.
  • Carolina Fragile X Project - A series of studies examining the impact of genetic disorders fragile fragile x syndrome X syndrome (FXS) on individuals, families and genetic disorders the agencies fragile x syndrome that serve them.
  • Fragile X Association of Australia - Information on this disease, medical aspects, education, references, genetic disorders contacts fragile x syndrome and what's new in Australia
  • Conquer Fragile X, Inc. - Creating a virtual research center in Israel to fragile x syndrome genetic disorders find a cure.

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