Personal Pages Scoliosis Back and Spine Musculoskeletal Disorders
Created for finding a special surgeon or team of surgeons to help stabilize the author's very severe scoliosis. Includes a bio, medical history, photo gallery and contact details.
Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Musculoskeletal Disorders: Back and Spine: Scoliosis
Personal Pages
- Scoliosis: My Story - One woman's story of life with Scoliosis.
- Scoliosis SOS Clinic - Explores treatment options, and identifies potential problems with both bracing and operation treatments.
- Frankie Bush - Created for finding a special surgeon or team of surgeons to help stabilize the author\\'s very severe scoliosis. Includes a bio, medical history, photo gallery and contact details.
- Courtney's Scoliosis Story - Experiences of a 13 year old.
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