Organizations Epilepsy Neurological Disorders Conditions and Diseases
A non profit organization founded in 1966 by a group of parents. Offers summer camps for the kids, epilepsy information and providing grants for research and other epilepsy related activities.
Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Neurological Disorders: Epilepsy
See Also:
- International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) - International organization founded in 1909 to advance and epilepsy disseminate knowledge organizations about epilepsy, to promote research, education epilepsy and training and to organizations improve services and care epilepsy for patients.
- Brainstorm Bear - A traveling epilepsy awareness bear visits families around neurological disorders the epilepsy world. His travels are intended to localize neurological disorders and personalize epilepsy the story of children and adults neurological disorders with Epilepsy. One epilepsy can request a visit at neurological disorders this site.
- Parents Against Childhood Epilepsy - A non profit organization founded in 1966 by epilepsy a group epilepsy of parents. Offers summer camps for epilepsy the kids, epilepsy information epilepsy and providing grants for epilepsy research and other epilepsy related activities.
- German Epilepsy Museum Kork - Opened in September 1998 this museum is presumed organizations to be the first of its type, providing organizations information on general epilepsy facts from history through organizations to today. Available in a variety of languages.
- Haley Smith Foundation - Raise awareness about Dravet Syndrome. Read about Haley\\'s story organizations and diagnosis after six and a half years of seizures. organizations Includes epilepsy news and events.
- Epilepsy South Africa - Dedicated to working with people with epilepsy and their families, to enable them to lead meaningful lives. Offers information about epilepsy on-line and downloads.
- European Epilepsy Academy - Professional organization coordinating epilepsy research throughout Europe.
- Indian Epilepsy Association - Informs about the activities of the association and neurological disorders provides neurological disorders general information about epilepsy.
- Epilepsy New Zealand - Works to promote the welfare and interests of people with organizations epilepsy and their families. Increasing public awareness, providing education programs organizations and seizure management planning.
- The Thomas Haydn Trust - An organisation seeking to raise awareness of all organizations epilepsy\\'s, especially Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, with a focus on organizations education, support and research.
- Epilepsy Care Group Singapore - Volunteer-based organization addressing the needs of persons with epilepsy epilepsy and organizations their care-givers in Singapore.
- International Bureau for Epilepsy - Interested in the non-medical aspects, addressing such social problems as epilepsy education, employment, insurance, driving license restrictions and public awareness. Includes epilepsy activities, publications and links.
- National Association of Epilepsy Centers - With the goal of no seizures and no organizations side effects, epilepsy the NAEC strives to make high organizations quality care available and epilepsy affordable for epilepsy patients. organizations Find care providers and care centers.
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