Web Rings Multiple Personality Dissociative Disorders

A webring list of 50 sites for the child alters of those with DID. Many are written in part by child alters themselves.

    Top: Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Dissociative: Multiple Personality

Web Rings

  • One of Many - Devoted to the proposition that multiplicity is real, multiple personality not a hoax, and caused by severe trauma multiple personality and abuse.
  • The Gift of Plurality Webring - Devoted to a positive view of multiplicity.
  • First Person Plural Webring - Mostly personal homepages, but many sites (personal and multiple personality otherwise) multiple personality of interest.
  • MPD/DID Webring - Focused on the disorder, those living with this disorder and facts based on MPD/DID.
  • Links 'o Littles - A webring list of 50 sites for the child alters multiple personality of those with DID. Many are written in part multiple personality by child alters themselves.
  • Christian Multiples' Web Ring - Listing of sites by and for Christians with multiple personality DID, web rings mostly personal home pages.

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