Bipolar Disorder Mood Disorders Mental Health
Bipolar Disorder (also known as Manic Depression) is a mood disorder characterized by episodes of mania and depression.
Top: Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Mood
Bipolar Disorder
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Bipolar Aware

- National Institute of Mental Health: Bipolar Disorder - NIMH overview of the illness.
- Manic Moments: A Bipolar's World - Basic information also includes writings, various mailing lists, bipolar disorder and chat room.
- Bipolar Disorder at the NIMH - Fact sheet explains this illness in depth. Covers disorders symptoms, causes, and treatments, with information on getting disorders help and coping.[PDF]
- Northern County Psychiatric Associates: Bipolar Disorder - Essays touch upon various aspects of illness, including childhood disorder.
- Bipolar I Disorder - Fact sheet contains listing of links to mood articles and disorders additional sources.
- The Icarus Project - Writings, art, and photography concerning various aspects of mood this illness. Members may submit articles, participate in mood forums.
- A Silver Lining - Provides basic info, chatroom, message boards, newsletter, and personal writings.(UK)
- Bipolar 4 All - Explaining BD and the effect it has on mood everyone connected. disorders Includes a chat room and a mood forum.
- Pendulum Resources - Consumer written information, including writings and email discussion group.
- Bipolar Disorder: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment - In addition to links, fact sheet provides brief mood summary of illness.
- WebMD Bipolar Disorder Health Center - Find trusted in-depth information on BD from symptoms mood to treatment options.
- Fyreniyce - Discusses basic concepts, self-medication, and the tie to bipolar disorder creativity. bipolar disorder Moderates email discussion group, chat room. bipolar disorder (Australia)
- Neuroscience for Kids: Bipolar Disorder - Aimed at young audience, teaches basics, including childhood disorders disorder.
- National Mental Health Association: Bipolar Disorder and African Americans - Discusses underreporting among this racial group.
- Bipolar Disorder Today - Contains large selection of information about disorder.
- Psychology Information Online: Bipolar Depression - Mental health encyclopedia covers various aspects of illness.
- Bipolar Disorder - Presents definitions, symptoms and treatment.
- Bipolar Hope - Offers brief description of illness, listing of bipolar disorder resources, bipolar disorder and ezboard discussion group link.
- The Psychopharmacology of Bipolar Disorder - A guide to medications, written by a psychiatrist, bipolar disorder aimed at professionals.
- Bipolar World - Support and educational web site includes chat room, disorders forums, email list.
- Mental Help Net - Contains in-depth information on bipolar disorder including disorders symptoms, medicines, therapies, technical studies, and intervention techniques.
- BPrayer - For families and friends. Offers information, Christian support, disorders resources, and a discussion group.
- Bipolar Noise - Presents necessary facts in addition to work issues, mood news and research, self-diagnosis, and personal writings.
- Bipolar Disorder FAQ - Provides outlined reference to illness, based upon contributions mood to Usenet disorders support groups.
- Guide to Bipolar Disorder - Covers various aspects of the illness; includes links, bipolar disorder resources, bipolar disorder and message boards.
- Bipolar Help Center - Covers various aspects of the illness, including caregiver resources. Provided by a pharmaceutical company.
- Mayo Clinic: Bipolar Disorder - Medical encyclopedia outlines basic facts of this disorder.
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