Personal Pages ADD and ADHD Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Project about teaching, learning, and living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Includes symptoms and disorder types, tips for teachers and parents, learning and coping strategies, and resources.
Top: Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Neurodevelopmental: ADD and ADHD
Personal Pages
See Also:
- A Flea Hopping Through the Pages of an Encyclopedia - Articles on the aspects of having and treating personal pages ADD neurodevelopmental and ADHD, by an educator with the personal pages disorder. Includes neurodevelopmental a definition, Ritalin, learning differences and personal pages giftedness, the abused neurodevelopmental child, and is it a personal pages fake diagnosis.
- CPhillips Blog - Personal weblog by an adult who has lived add and adhd personal pages with ADHD his entire life. Includes ability for add and adhd personal pages others to comment on ADD related posts.
- Taming the Storm - Project about teaching, learning, and living with attention personal pages deficit hyperactivity disorder. Includes symptoms and disorder types, personal pages tips for teachers and parents, learning and coping personal pages strategies, and resources.
- Adult ADD, As It Shouldn't Be, But Too Often Is - Story of one man\\'s battle with this disorder. neurodevelopmental Includes symptoms, problems, treatment, and prognosis.
- The ADD/ADHD/LD Links & Resources Page - Information for parents and adults about attention deficit personal pages disorders personal pages and learning disabilities. Includes ADD/ADHD characteristics, fact personal pages sheet on personal pages LDs, and links to additional resources.
- Stay With Me Here - Offbeat, humorous approach to dealing with the everyday personal pages frustrations of attention deficit disorders. Includes tips, articles personal pages and links.
- Some Thoughts on Thinking - Humorous look at attention deficit from the inside, personal pages by a man with this disorder. Includes life personal pages before and after diagnosis, making life bargains, attitude, personal pages pharmacology, and coping.
- I Cured Myself of ADD - How one person modified their personal coping behaviors, misdiagnosed as an attention deficit disorder. Includes tips for targeted and non-targeted behaviors.
- Coping and Thriving with ADD - Medical student with Attention Deficit Disorder. Blog providing experiences in a hope that others will benefit.
- Justin’s Rich Media Blog - Diary of an ADD “Drug Holiday” - Description of two weeks without Adderall XR.
- - Personal weblog by a recently-diagnosed adult. Includes registration neurodevelopmental that allows others affected by attention deficit disorders neurodevelopmental to create their own weblog.
- ADHD Adults - Provides links to information about ADHD, resources, and online support neurodevelopmental groups. Includes author's background and weblog.
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