Humor Nursing Health
Nurses, come here when you need a mental health break.
Top: Health: Nursing
See Also:
- - Nursing Humor - Funny nursing stories, humor and jokes.
- Nurstoon Nursing Humor Cartoons - Nursing and health professional cartoon satire dealing with low staffing, humor managed care, patient advocacy, and hospital care.
- Emergency Nursing World - Humorous look at emergency care.
- Who Wants To Be a Nursing Millionaire? - Test your nursing skills and have a laugh nursing playing this health online quiz show for nurses.
- Nursing - Nursing links, medical graphics, jokes and contests.
- Nursing and Medical Limericks - Limericks, rhymes and true stories collected and written by Betty Ann Cassano RN.
- Murphy's Nurses - Murphy's Law as submitted from the newsgroup
- Nurse Jokes - Hosted by nurses, site accepts medical hummer contributions.
- Canadian Nursing Index: Humor - Links to nursing and healthcare humor on the health Internet.
- Nursing Humor on: The Nurse Friendly - Nursing humor resource and nurse email directory, provides humor registry for humor student nurses, LPNs and RNs.
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