Homebirth Childbirth Pregnancy and Birth Reproductive Health
This online publication discloses the position of the WHO (World Health Organization) on the place of birth (including homebirth) as well as qualified birth attendants (including midwives).
Top: Health: Reproductive Health: Pregnancy and Birth: Childbirth
- Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America - British Medical Journal research paper evaluating the safety homebirth of home childbirth births in involving direct entry (non-nurse) homebirth midwives.
- Homebirth - Mothering Magazine provides articles, movies, discussion boards, and homebirth an "ask childbirth the experts" feature.
- Giving birth: home can be better than hospital - This is a British Medical Journal (BMJ) page that comments pregnancy and birth on the safety and experience of home birth as opposed pregnancy and birth to hospital birth for low-risk pregnancies.
- Homebirth Under Fire: What the Headlines Don't Say - This Mothering Magazine article on comments on studies and the politics of homebirth.
- A Natural Choice - Forum answering questions, and offering birth stories.
- Homebirth Birth Stories - Provides stories from around the world, including accounts childbirth of twins pregnancy and birth and water births.
- World Health Organization: General Aspects of Care in Labour Part 1 - This online publication discloses the position of the childbirth WHO (World homebirth Health Organization) on the place of childbirth birth (including homebirth) as homebirth well as qualified birth childbirth attendants (including midwives).
- Citizens for Midwifery Home Birth Fact Sheet - This publication gives empirical evidence for the safety pregnancy and birth homebirth of a planned home birth with a qualified pregnancy and birth homebirth midwife, as well as outlines the benefits of pregnancy and birth homebirth a home birth.[PDF]
- Considering a Home Birth - This pregnancyinfo.net article gives a brief overview of considerations of childbirth a home birth: why have a home birth, safety, midwives, childbirth emergencies and preparation.
- Fish Can't See Water: The Need to Humanize Birth - This is the full text of a paper homebirth by Dr. M. Wagner that appeared in the homebirth International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. It homebirth discusses the problems with a medical, hospital birth, homebirth the safety of home birth, and the need homebirth to shift the care of normal pregna
- UnassistedHomebirth.com - Has a top 10 list of reasons to homebirth birth at homebirth home. Also has information on unassisted homebirth miscarriage and contains book homebirth reviews and book ordering homebirth information.
- The effect of birth experience on postpartum depression - This is a study on postpartum depression published on the homebirth MWSU NURC (Missouri Western State University National Undergraduate Research Clearinghouse) homebirth comparing the outcomes of women who have had home births homebirth to women who have had hospital deliveries.
- Outcome of planned home and planned hospital births in low risk pregnancies: prospective study in midwifery practices in the Netherlands - This is a study published in the British childbirth Medical Journal pregnancy and birth (BMJ) which investigates the relation between childbirth home and hospital births pregnancy and birth and perinatal outcomes.
- Homebirth - Birthing at Home - Homebirth stories, articles, photographs, and relevant links.
- Homebirth Information: Indie Birth Magazine - Offering information about homebirth, waterbirth and other natural pregnancy and birth parenting topics.
- Home birth - An editorial in the British Medical Journal by homebirth Nachiel Springer and Chris Van Weel.
- Homebirth: A midwife Mutiny - Homebirth information, opinion and discussion with British-Australian Independent Midwife. Includes videos, photos and journals of women achieving a natural birth.
- The influence of birth experience on postpartum depression: a follow-up study - This is a follow-up study published on the pregnancy and birth homebirth MWSU NURC (Missouri Western State University National Undergraduate pregnancy and birth homebirth Research Clearinghouse) website of the incidence and severity pregnancy and birth homebirth of postpartum depression comparing home birth and hospital pregnancy and birth homebirth deliveries.
- Home versus hospital deliveries: follow up study of matched pairs for procedures and outcome - This is a published study in the British Medical Journal pregnancy and birth (BMJ) which examines and compares the outcomes of planned home pregnancy and birth births versus planned hospital births.
- Homebirth Birth Stories at StorkNet - Several stories of home births are told here pregnancy and birth from home birth moms and their families.
- Is Hospital Birth Better? - Essay commenting on the hospital treatment of women childbirth and newborns childbirth in the United States.
- Homebirth Facts - Here is a brief overview of the safety, intervention levels, homebirth and transfer rates of home birth.
- Home Birth Reference Site - An informational site on homebirth containing summaries of research into pregnancy and birth home birth, references, links, and recommended books.
- For a Natural Birth, There's No Place Like Home - An article discussing the advantages of having a home birth.
- About Homebirth - Parent Supply List - Information on supplies to gather for your home birth including childbirth instructions for preparation.
- Homebirth - Safety and Benefits - Collection of articles and source material about homebirth.
- 10 Homebirth Facts No One's Telling You - Pregnancy - Here are some facts and figures for those homebirth on-the-fence parents (and relatives) on the safety of homebirth homebirth and how it compares to hospital birth.
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