Resources Tobacco Specific Substances
RJ Reynolds' grandson is a well known anti-smoking advocate and motivational speaker, for grades 7-12. He speaks at community events, school assembly programs and colleges on the dangers of smoking, and influence of tobacco industry advertising campaigns.
Top: Health: Specific Substances: Tobacco
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UCSF Tobacco Control Archives

- Project Smokeout - Dedicated to exposing tobacco industry activity in Texas resources and around resources the globe.
- Resources on Smoking and Big Tobacco - Articles on the tobacco industry, state and national tobacco elected officials, regulators, the media, and conservative groups.
- NIDA Research Report - Nicotine Addiction - National Institute on drug abuse report on nicotine resources covers addiction, resources extent and impact of tobacco use, resources how nicotine works, effects resources of long-term nicotine exposure, resources treatment of nicotine addiction, gender differences resources in smoking.
- Missouri Department of Health: Smoking and Tobacco - Factsheets and reports on tobacco prevention, clean in specific substances door air, costs of tobacco products, youth tobacco specific substances use, and county-level studies; most in PDF or specific substances Word format.
- How Stuff Works: How Nicotine Works - Illustrated tutorial describes how nicotine can be a stimulant or a depressant, depending on when used and how much.
- Public Versus Private Statements Made by the Tobacco Industry - From the book The Cigarette Papers, footnoted table resources documents 30 tobacco years of public and private statements resources made by the tobacco tobacco industry regarding nicotine and resources addiction.
- BBC News | Smoking - Collection of stories from the BBC.
- Tobacco control resource centre - Promotes tobacco control activity among national medical associations; encourages doctors to stop smoking; provides research and improves knowledge of skills in smoking cessation through its information database.
- Patrick Reynolds - RJ Reynolds\\' grandson is a well known anti-smoking resources advocate and tobacco motivational speaker, for grades 7-12. He resources speaks at community events, tobacco school assembly programs and resources colleges on the dangers of smoking, tobacco and influence resources of tobacco industry advertising campaigns.
- Tobacco Names - Names of people involved in tobacco; some with tobacco short descriptions resources of the involvement; a work in tobacco progress.
- House of Commons - Smoking and Health - Second Report - UK scientific report on smoking in Britain, awareness of the health effects of active smoking, passive smoking, nicotine addiction, and the tobacco industry in Britain.
- Minnesota Institute of Public Health: Tobacco Related Issues - Resources and links.
- Tobacco Overview - Collection of stories on tobacco from the Washington specific substances Post.
- Tobacco Control Links - Maintained by Dr Mario R Sammut MD DipHSc, specific substances a family doctor from Siggiewi, Malta.
- San Francisco Medical Society Online: Substance Abuse and Tobacco - Articles on addiction, tobacco, cessation, and progress in treatment.
- Big Tobacco Looks for a Clean Getaway - Entire issue of Multinational Monitor devoted to the specific substances 1997 proposed deal with the tobacco industry.
- The Arents Collection - New York Public Library collection on the history, specific substances literature, and lore of tobacco.
- eBMJ -- Collected Resources: Smoking - Recent articles on smoking from the British Medical Journal .
- Health & Prevention Videos - Videos for instructional use or presentations; includes "Selling Addiction" and "Smoking: The Truth Unfiltered".
- Risk Management Internet Services - Tobacco - For-pay site, providing subscribers with information about tobacco.
- University of California - Center for Tobacco Control and Research Education - Publications on tobacco include analysis of industry documents, and reports on industry influence in government.
- Making Smoking History - Article features public health worker who challenges the conventional view of smoking as an individual problem, and makes the case for tobacco as a societal health problem.
- Film Ideas: Smoking and Substance Abuse - Instructional films and videos on tobacco and substance abuse.
- Documents on Tobacco, Nicotine, Smoking, Cigarettes - Tobacco documents, secret documents, tobacco sites, smoking-related news, addresses, history, tobacco movie and book lists, health information, quit-smoking, spit tobacco.
- Smoking From All Sides - Links to pages for all perspectives of smoking. tobacco Includes sites about anti-smoking groups, commentary, health effects, tobacco cessation, celebrity smokers, statistics, news, history, and pro-smoking tobacco documents.
- CDC Health Topic: Tobacco - Information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Smoke gets in your eyes - Whyfiles on: why is smoking so addictive? Does resources cigarette advertising specific substances influence kids to smoke? And related resources questions.
- Fact Sheets About Smoking and Tobacco - Collected by the Nonsmokers Movement of Australia.
- The National Center for Tobacco-Free Older Person - Advocacy group and center for conducting research, education specific substances and specific substances training to increase public awareness of the specific substances effects of specific substances tobacco on older persons and to specific substances reduce smoking and specific substances exposure to secondhand smoke by specific substances older persons. Includes fact specific substances sheets with data about
- The Tobacco Lords - Entire issue of Multinational Monitor devoted to tobacco; resources includes China\\'s Tobacco Wars; Addicting the Young; The resources Tobacco Lobby; Fighting for Smoke-free Skies; tobacco economics.
- UICC GLOBALink - Online tobacco control community of the International Union resources Against Cancer resources (UICC) offers tobacco control resources, papers, resources directory, networks, calendar, factsheets, resources and country profiles. Tobacco resources news headlines and bulletins.
- Oregon Public Health Services - Tobacco Prevention and Education Program provides information on tobacco the program, key partners, the science behind it, tobacco legislation and policy initiatives, the secrets, the tools, tobacco quitting tobacco, and progress made so far.
- Tar Wars - National poster contest for fourth- and fifth-graders on tobacco-free lifestyles.
- Up In Smoke: The FTC's Refusal to Apply the "Unfairness Doctrine" to Camel Cigarette Advertising - Legal journal article analyzes whether the FTC legally tobacco could have undertaken action against the Joe Camel tobacco advertising campaign.
- Nicotine Addiction to Disease: Growing Up With the Tobacco Industry - Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute materials covers history and consequences of resources tobacco use.
- Smoking kills! - In English and Slovenian. Put together by three students tobacco from Slovenia.
- The Dope on Nicotine - NOVA episode on nicotine, addiction, and tobacco products.
- India Tobacco News Extracts - Cancer Patients Aid Association hosts news stories on tobacco in tobacco India.
- Artful Truth - Artful Truth-Healthy Propaganda Arts Project aims to reduce tobacco tobacco use through art education; gallery shows images tobacco created by students.
- Tobacco Smoking - College student paper includes examples of cigarette ads, smoking trends in the 1930s and 1940s, and even cigarette etiquette, according to Emily Post.
- Leave The Pack Behind - A campus smoking program which provides information for smokers and resources non-smokers.
- University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network - Network of University of Michigan scholars, spanning many disciplines in numerous UM schools and colleges, who share an interest in tobacco and nicotine related research. Tobacco websites, news and events, research.
- Principal Health News - Articles and news summaries on tobacco, cigarettes, spit specific substances tobacco, quitting, and secondhand smoke.
- UNC-TV - Black Issues Forum - Tobacco Use - Transcript of TV show on how tobacco and smoking affects specific substances African Americans.
- Tobacco: FTC Reports and Comments - Although FTC site, much content furnished from other resources sources (public resources input, expert analysis); covers "light" cigarettes resources and tar numbers, spit resources tobacco, analysis of tobacco resources industry claims.
- CDC's tobacco stats - state by state - Center for Disease Control database for state\\'s tobacco specific substances use. tobacco Broken down by cigarette, cigar,pipe, and smokeless specific substances tobacco. Also tobacco provides statistics.
- Canadian Cancer Society: Tobacco Information - Health effects of cigarettes, tobacco products and cancer, secondhand smoke, children and secondhand smoke, women and tobacco, tobacco statistics.
- FTC: Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco Products - Public Comments - Letters from the American Lung Association, American Medical Association, and tobacco dozens of other health organizations regarding FTC\\'s role in reporting tobacco and analysis of tobacco products.
- GLOBALink: Secret Documents from the Minnesota Depository - Papers reviewing industry internal documents: Tobacco industry campaign against advertising bans in the 1980\\'s; Industry recruitment of scientific experts; industry attitudes revealed by editing; and files relevant to women.
- Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) - U.S. legal-action antismoking organization. Resources include information on specific substances health specific substances effects, quitting, advocacy programs and techniques, smoking specific substances statistics, and specific substances U.S. antismoking groups.
- Parliament of Ireland: Report on Health and Smoking - Chapters on youth, health effects, economics, nicotine addiction, and secondhand specific substances smoke.
- MedlinePlus: Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco - Topic in MEDLINE\\'s medical encyclopedia covers effects, chemical components, diseases resources caused, quitting tobacco, with 4 poster-quality illustrations.
- New Jersey Tobacco Use Research Program - Monitors tobacco use trends over time in response tobacco to tobacco specific substances control activities.
- Health Effects of Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke - Factsheets on tobacco, secondhand smoke, the tobacco industry, tobacco and cigarette specific substances sales.
- Information on Drugs of Abuse: Nicotine - Resources on nicotine addiction from the National Institute specific substances on resources Drug Abuse.
- Tobacco Industry Tracking Database - Searchable database contains bibliographic citations, abstracts, and detailed specific substances indexing for over 11,000 articles, news stories, and specific substances other materials regarding the tobacco industry, clean indoor specific substances air campaigns, and other tobacco policy issues.
- Educating for Life - Reflections on health education and cancer prevention.
- Not To Kids! - Campaign to educate the community about the Tobacco Control Act specific substances of Ontario.
- MTCP Reports - Reports on youth smoking prevalence in Massachusetts smoking attributable mortality, specific substances morbidity, and economic costs; designing an effective tobacco control specific substances program; tobacco advertising on storefronts.
- Powerpoint Presentations on Tobacco - 18 powerpoint presentations from leading tobacco experts, including tobacco company bar promotions, marketing tobacco to women, economics of tobacco, types and uses of tobacco litigation, US tobacco marketing tobacco outside the US, and teenagers, smoking
- NIEHS Report on Carcinogens - Evaluation of substances by scientists from the National specific substances Toxicology Program has listing that includes Environmental Tobacco specific substances Smoking, Tobacco Smoke, and Smokeless Tobacco.
- Smoking in Australia - Online book provides facts on prevalence, trends, health tobacco effects, secondhand resources smoke, cigarette design and ingredients, smoking tobacco in the workplace and resources public places, costs of tobacco tobaccoo, spit tobacco, addiction, cessation, anti-smoking resources campaigns, the tobacco tobacco in
- Smokers Prayer - Large list of links and resources compiled by an ex-smokers tobacco with COPD. Introduced by her own poem, the Smoker\'s tobacco Prayer.
- Indiana Prevention Resource Center: Tobacco Resources - Fact sheets and lots of links.
- National African American Tobacco Prevention Network - A national network of Black tobacco-control and health promotion activists.
- Nicotine Addiction in Britain - Complete online book by the Royal College of specific substances Physicians; specific substances covers physical. pharmacological, and psychological effects; addiction; specific substances the smoker\\'s specific substances career; regulation of intake; treatment; regulatory specific substances approaches; recommendations.
- British Medical Journal, 5 August 2000 - Tobacco is the theme of this issue; articles on health policy, lung cancer, passive smoking, tobacco dependence, tobacco litigation.
- Proposed US Federal Tobacco Legislation - Tech Law Journal summary of bills pertaining to resources tobacco resources sales and ads on the resources Internet.
- State of Health Products - Anti-tobacco ID tags, T-shirts, posters, buttons, magnets, wall signs, bookmarks, headbands, and the now-obligatory mouse pads.
- Tobacco and Smoking: A Pollak Library Research Guide - The Pollack Library at Cal State Fullerton has specific substances assembled a list of books, articles, statistics, documents, specific substances and online resources on tobacco and smoking.
- Pyramid Media: Tobacco Videos - Produces and distributes educational videos on smoking, tobacco, specific substances and the tobacco industry, from classics like "Death specific substances in The West" to recent releases like "Smoke specific substances and Mirrors: A History of Denial".
- Science, Tobacco and You - Multidisciplinary, multimedia, science curriculum resource that addresses tobacco specific substances use resources and prevention through student questions and answers.
- NoSmokingArt - Art depicting anti-smoking messages.
- Collected Resources: Smoking - Includes hundreds of papers, news stories, clinical reviews, tobacco letters, debates, tobacco and editorials about health effects and tobacco public policies.
- Philippe Boucher's Rendez Vous - Interviews with major figures in tobacco control.
- Submission to Senate Inquiry into the Tobacco Industry - 1994 - Shortened version of the "Time for Action" submission resources by resources the Non-Smokers\\' Movement of Australia provides resources a terse summary of resources tobacco\\'s effects, marketing, industry resources influence, public health significance, social response, resources history.
- Smoking Behaviours of Australian Adults in 1995 - Research paper summarizes prevalence, consumption, demographics, trends.
- UICC GLOBALink Tobacco Control Resources - Large set of resources including tobacco news, world tobacco tobacco news, tobacco tobacco industry secret documents, tobacco control tobacco information, tobacco activism accounts, tobacco situation overviews for various tobacco countries, anti-smoking posters, secondhand smoke information, tobacco sa
- MedlinePlus: Smoking - Medical emphasis; factsheets, clinical trials, prevention/screening, news, organizations, statistics, particular populations.
- Smoke & Mirrors: The Canadian Tobacco War - Complete online book (370 pages in printed form) covers tobacco resources history, issues, players, strategy, and industry in Canada.
- GLOBALink: Selected Images - Anti-smoking posters, ads, animated GIFs, videos.
- National Conference of State Legislatures - Secondhand smoke laws by state; miscellaneous laws pertaining tobacco to tobacco by state; smokefree state capitols; youth tobacco access to tobacco; Healthy People 2010 objectives; various tobacco publications and resources on tobacco, smoking, and cigarettes.
- Call - Tobacco Use - The "Tobacco" section of a language analysis project tobacco at Ohio University. Definitions of terms, links to tobacco anti-tobacco and pro-tobacco sites.
- Alberta Tobacco Reduction Strategy - Information about tobacco, spit tobacco, smoking, prevention, quitting, and what resources Alberta Canada is doing to help.
- eMedicine - Nicotine Addiction - Medical facts on the physiology of nicotine addiction, and the resources effect tobacco products have on the brain, lungs, and other resources vital organs, and a treatment options section.
- Smoking and African-Americans - Factsheet looks at the impact of tobacco on the African American community.
- Health Education Inc. Research Promotion Prevention - Tobacco prevention and education for Nebraska children and communities. News, tobacco legislation, and art.
- Men and smoking - Compilation of articles by Menstuff on smoking and impotence, spit resources tobacco, influences undermining public health efforts, smokefree living, secondhand smoke, resources and nicotine addiction.
- Engle Trial News - Large collection of articles, notes, and commentary on specific substances the specific substances Engle trial in Florida.
- Tobacco Dentistry Program - Lecture outlines for tobacco; education program; tobacco and periodontal diseases; tobacco induced and associated oral conditions; spit tobacco; cigar; secondhand smoke; nicotine addiction; stages of quitting; cessation clinical practice guidelines; quitt
- Tobacco Road - Special project at McGill Medical School. Cigarettes, resources smoking, quitting, secondhand smoke.
- GASP of Colorado Education Center - Tobacco information resources ranging from the costs to society to the effects of secondhand tobacco smoke.
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