Rurouni Kenshin Anime Animation Entertainment
Rurouni Kenshin is the title of a manga serial created by Nobuhiro Watsuki, and of the TV anime and Original Video Animations (OVA) which were later released. It centers on the post-war adventures of Himura Kenshin, an assassin turned wanderer, and the friends and enemies he encounters in the aftermath of Japan's Bakamatsu era.
Top: Kids and Teens: Entertainment: Animation: Anime
Rurouni Kenshin
- Rurouni Kenshin-Samurai X - Contains a summary of the story, with an rurouni kenshin album of images from the series.
- Komagata Yumi Shrine - Site dedicated to the Komagata Yumi. Contains profile, gallery, and animation media.
- Samurai X - History, story summary, episodes, characters, poll, and links.
- Hoshiko Saitou's Kenshin Paradise - Galleries and fan fiction.
- Katanagari At Heart: Shrine to Chou the Sword Hunter - Site dedicated to the character, with rationale, profile, gallery, fan listing, and links.
- Kyoto Obsession - Character biographies, galleries, fan art, and humor.
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