Yu-Gi-Oh Anime Animation Entertainment

Yu-Gi-Oh! is a Japanese cartoon (Anime) that began in Japan in 1998. It's about a high school freshman named Yugi whose grandpa gives him an ancient Egyptian puzzle that no one has been able to solve. Somehow, Yugi solves the puzzle and releases a mysterious, dark power that gives Yugi the ability to unlock an alter-ego called Yami-Yugi. Now every time Yugi duels someone in Duel Monsters (a card game similar to Pokemon and Magic the Gathering) he is transformed into Yami-Yugi, a more confident and courageous version of himself. What comes after is an ever twisting plot of dark powers, close duels, evil lowlives, and soul stealing.

    Top: Kids and Teens: Entertainment: Animation: Anime


  • Tommy's Yu-Gi-Oh Site - Character profiles, fan fiction, and a small gallery.
  • Duelist Kingdom.net - Includes tutorials, links and a message board dedicated yu-gi-oh to this topic.
  • Hate Anzu? - Anti-Anzu site, with rationale, character comparisons, and gallery.
  • YuGiOh.net - A forum that offers information on card games, deck garages, yu-gi-oh deck fixes, fanfics, anime, and video games.

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