Documentary Television Entertainment

Magazine program with reports from across the UK and the world, celebrity guests, music, sport, food. Site has a program guide, host profiles, quizzes and games

    Top: Kids and Teens: Entertainment: Television


See Also:
  • Kids News Network - Students are the reporters, writers, anchors, and production television and film entertainment crew for the program. Features television photographs, description, guestbook, and entertainment resources.
  • Street Cents - The long-running CBC investigative series about consumer culture. entertainment Kids learn documentary street smarts about products, companies and entertainment advertising, and are given documentary tips to help them entertainment think for themselves. Includes ad parodies.
  • The :30 Second Candidate - A media-savvy documentary showing how politicians are packaged documentary for thirty-second commercials.
  • P.O.V. - Offers full-length films and short films for online viewing. Lists programs, schedule, and background stories.
  • Listen Up: Youth Media Network - A PBS program focusing on youth media across the nation. Features news, videos, resources, and projects.
  • The Children who Cheated the Nazis - Official site for the program about 10,000 mostly Jewish children entertainment sent to Britain to escape the Nazis during World War entertainment II. Includes background information, credits, and photographs.
  • Blue Peter - Magazine program with reports from across the UK and the documentary world, celebrity guests, music, sport, food. Site has a program documentary guide, host profiles, quizzes and games

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