Slide Rules Medical and Scientific Antiques
Site for Jay Francis, a collector of slide rules and antique mechanical calculators. Items for sale or trade, and many related links.
Top: Recreation: Antiques: Medical and Scientific
Slide Rules
See Also:
- Top/Science/Math/History
- Top/Science/Math/Software/Calculators/Slide Rules
- Top/Science/Math/Education/Slide Rules
- Top/Recreation/Collecting/Computers/Calculators
- Slide Rule Instructions and Prices. - Instructions on use of slide rules, and a medical and scientific slide rules guide to the price of slide rules.
- Slide Rule Page - Archives of photos of large personal collection.
- Sphere Research's Slide Rule Universe - Online sales and swap meet. Private individuals only.
- House of Slide Rules - Large categorised collection with photos and notes.
- Giovanni Breda's Slide Rule Collection - Giovanni Breda shows his collection. A sheet for antiques each rule is provided including high resolution images. antiques Links to other collector\'s site are also provided.
- Slide Rules from German Manufacturers - A collection of slide rules, with descriptions and slide rules pictures. slide rules Also, some links to other slide slide rules rule sites.
- The Sphere Research Slide Rule Archives - Slide rule model information, pictures, and history from antiques all over medical and scientific the world.
- The Slide Rule Guy - Site for Jay Francis, a collector of slide rules and medical and scientific antique mechanical calculators. Items for sale or trade, and medical and scientific many related links.
- The International Slide Rule Group at Yahoo! - A community of slide rule enthusiasts. Several hundred posts medical and scientific a month.
- Slide Rules - Dedicated to one man\\'s collection of slide rules (and includes antiques a photo gallery), plus a few links for those antiques who want to find out more about them or where antiques to buy one.
- SlideRule Trading Group - Private trading for members of the group.
- Otis King's Patent Calculator - Probably the most complete collection of Otis King\\'s Patent Calculator slide rules (cylindrical slide rule) information on-line.
- The Oughtred Society - Membership group dedicated to the history and collection medical and scientific of slide rules.
- Model Aircraft Performance Slide Rule Calculator - Custom slide rule for sale. Online calculations slide rules which cover the same functions available on the slide rules site. Manual included with the slide rule.
- Space Race Slide Rules - Features some slide rules used in early American and Soviet antiques space programs.
- David Crate's Slide Rules - Assorted slide rules for sale as well as antiques some historical slide rules information.
- Slide Rules and Calculators - Images grouped by type.
- Peter Holland's Slide Rules - In German and English. Items for trade antiques with descriptions of condition.
- IM2001 - 7th International Meeting for Slide Rule and Calculating Machine Collectors - Munich, Germany, September 14 - 16, 2001.
- Napier's Bones and the Genaille-Lucas Rulers - Presents Napier\\'s Bones and the Genaille Lucas rulers slide rules in ready to print forms: Postcript and PDF.
- Slide Rules in Thailand - Front and back images of some slide rules antiques for sale.
- Sphere Research's Learning about Slide Rules Site - Repository for information, pictures, history and links to medical and scientific sellers, other sites and experts, and an online medical and scientific store.
- The Slide Rules - A hyperlinked history of slide rules, details of the author\'s personal collection, and contact information.
- Peter Owen, Collector of Slide Rules - Texts and photographs.
- Slide Rule Collection - Todd Tolhurst describes his collection, some with pictures.
- Chris Osburn's Calculating Instruments - Classifies and lists slide rule and scales. Grouped medical and scientific by type, size, country of origin and manufacturer. medical and scientific Articles, a discussion forum and a section on medical and scientific buying and selling.
- HP Museum - Early Calculators - Some non-HP calculators that were introduced anywhere from centuries ago medical and scientific to the late 60's.
- Eric Marcotte, a Slide Rule Collector - A personal compilation of information on slide rules with much slide rules information on his own collection.
- Slide Rule Universe - Includes on line archive of slide rule information, plus a catalog of available rules.
- The Death of the Slide Rule - Hyperlinked essay with citations by James Redin covering slide rules the medical and scientific rise of the portable calculator and the slide rules demise of medical and scientific its predecessor.
- Slide Rule Museum - Dedicated to engineers past and present, this collection slide rules of medical and scientific slide rules and manuals have in excess slide rules of 1000 medical and scientific different items scanned full size and slide rules categorized by company medical and scientific or continent. Also offers a slide rules glossary of slide rule medical and scientific terms and links.
- Discovering Slide Rules - Relates a story about how one person found antiques a giant cache of new-in-box slide rules.
- Kung's OnLine Slide Rule Bookmarks - An annotated collection of links.
- Slide Rule Trade Offer - An offer to trade kite aerial photographs for antiques slide rules.
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