Sweden Europe Birding

Personal birding site of Måns Grundsten with site guides for Lake Angarn and Värmdö, species lists, and photographs.

    Top: Recreation: Birding: Europe


  • The Golden Eagle - Personal birding site of Måns Grundsten with site guides for sweden Lake Angarn and Värmdö, species lists, and photographs.
  • EuroBirdNet-Sweden - Information about EuroBirdNet plus a Swedish section (SverigeBirdnet) with sweden rarity reports, the official Swedish Holarctic List, and links.
  • Birds.se - Digital photos of birds, animals and butterflies from Europe, Africa europe and Asia. Includes over 500 species of common, rare, and europe ringed birds. In Swedish and English.
  • Twite.se - Describes a project to investigate the population of breeding twites europe in Sweden. Includes a picture gallery of the twite and europe itsvarious plumages. In Swedish and English.

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