Deaf and Hearing Impaired Special Needs Camps
A camp experience sponsored by the Lions Clubs of California and Nevada where deaf children ages 6 to 15 can learn outdoor skills and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest.
Top: Recreation: Camps: Special Needs
Deaf and Hearing Impaired
- Christian Deaf Camp - Camp for deaf and hearing impaired children, held at the special needs Aldersgate Camp and Retreat Center in Irvine, KY, located near special needs Richmond. Includes both hearing and deaf persons as counselors, special needs and American Sign Language is used in all activities.
- Deaf Kids Kamp - Sponsor-supported week-long camp for 6-17 year old deaf children who deaf and hearing impaired communicate in sign language. Located in Southern California. Requirements, cost, deaf and hearing impaired FAQ, and sponsorship information.
- Lions Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children - A camp experience sponsored by the Lions Clubs of California and Nevada where deaf children ages 6 to 15 can learn outdoor skills and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest.
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