Personalities and Commentaries Wordplay Humor
A long paragraph about Thomas Sheridan (1687-1738) and his treatise on punning, plus mention of his correspondence with Jonathan Swift.
Top: Recreation: Humor: Wordplay
Personalities and Commentaries
- Palindromes (Part One) - Historical essay about word palindromes from ancient Greece wordplay to modern times.
- Lowest Form of Wit - Commentary on puns involving Freud, Jesus and playwrights, personalities and commentaries plus links.
- Richard Lederer's Verbivore - Covers wordplay and puns plus his works, analyses personalities and commentaries personalities and commentaries of language and links. Invites email on the personalities and commentaries personalities and commentaries subjects.
- Puns of Steel - Clay Smith\\'s article on the science of interpreting personalities and commentaries puns as viewed by audience members of the personalities and commentaries 23rd Annual O. Henry Pun-Off World Championships.
- The Atrium - A technical, literary-oriented string of letters from viewers commenting on puns in classical Latin works.
- Pun-Smoke - Maria Nutick\\'s commentary on puns, Oliver Wendell Holmes, personalities and commentaries and Richard Lederer.
- Palindromes - Commentary on palindromes plus a 306-word palindrome.
- Examples of Tropes in Puns - Technical analysis of paranomasia, onomatopoeia, antanaclasis and syllepsis.
- The Pun FAQtory - Covers the history and styling of punning. The personalities and commentaries unofficial FAQ for the UseNet newsgroup alt.humor.puns.
- Words and Stuff - An occasional column commenting on words and wordplay.
- Commentary on Puns - James Merrill's overview on punning.
- Art of Punning - A long paragraph about Thomas Sheridan (1687-1738) and personalities and commentaries personalities and commentaries his treatise on punning, plus mention of his personalities and commentaries personalities and commentaries correspondence with Jonathan Swift.
- Confessions Of A Humorist - Commentary on punning and humor by O Henry.
- Yahoo! Groups: Puns-of-the-Day - An ever-growing group of punsters who swap puns. Seeks new humor members.
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