Kite Aerial Photography Kites Recreation
A guide to kite aerial photography including background, equipment, a discussion section, and a gallery of 2,000 aerial photographs (CA, USA).
Top: Recreation: Kites
Kite Aerial Photography
See Also:
- Kite Aerial Photography - Ultra lightweight camera rig plan, gallery, book reviews and a survey of historic KAP articles.
- Kraft Schmidt - Many good images of kites at Fano (Germany).
- KiteView Developers - Kite aerial photography gallery by Gerke Visser, Rene kites van der kites Werff and friends.
- Dan Russell-Pinson - The experiences of a beginner.
- Kite Aerial Photography Electronic Resources - KAPER is an electronic journal by David Hunt for Kite Aerial Photographers.
- Richard Amirault - Annotated pictures of his rig. Malden, MA.
- Cees Kuppens KAP the Netherlands - Cees Kuppens from Holland takes pictures with a kites remote controlled kites digital camera attached to a kite. kites Here you can find kites information about KAP and kites a lot of aerial pictures of kites Holland.
- Ray Bayer - Description of KAP method and equipment [Shockwave]
- Peter Hill - New KAPer in Sweden, just getting started.
- George's Kite Aerial Photography - A photographic Index of my Experiences with KAP. recreation Includes Information about History and Techniques. (US)
- Du Ciel - Kite aerial photography of archaeological sites and other places in recreation the world.
- BirdsEye Aerial Photography - Gallery of images taken from kites and gliders by Yvan(Belgium)
- Scott Haefner's Kite Aerial Photography - Aerial photos and 360 degree virtual reality panoramas taken from recreation a kite. With a brief introduction on equipment.
- Kevin Nickel - Kite Monger - pictures of kites and pictures recreation from kites.
- Sergio Agramonte - Professional photographer using KAP in Florida.
- Manfred Fuchs KAP - Information on equipment, triggering systems, and wind speed recreation conversion table. recreation (Germany)
- Peter Bults - Digital encyclopaedia of Kite Aerial Photography
- PV2 Kite Aerial Photography - A guide for modifying the CVS PV2 single use digital camera for kite aerial photography.
- kyteman's KAPsite - Kite Aerial Photography ideas and images; camera cradles, kites KAP rig kits, complete KAP systems custom-made by kites Brooks Leffler.
- Simon Harbord - The feeling, the involvement, and the serendipity of recreation KAP. kite aerial photography Includes site with 3D KAP and recreation GameBoy KAP.
- Charles Benton - A guide to kite aerial photography including background, equipment, a kites discussion section, and a gallery of 2,000 aerial photographs (CA, kites USA).
- KitesEyeView - Kite Aerial Photography gallery and how to's.
- Panoramic Photographs - Collection of old KAP photos held in the recreation Library of kite aerial photography Congress.
- Yasunori Ichikawa - A Japanese/English KAP site with JKPA section.
- Patrick Fulton - Ingenious KAP on a very limited budget.
- Glen Thomas - Small site about photographer using video view finder kites (South Africa).
- Roy Latham - Using KAP to build a library of images kites for texture-mapped graphics (CA, USA).
- Adventure Antarctica - KAPing at the geographic South Pole.
- North Side - KAP in Pennsylvania around 1900.
- Frank Louwers - KAPing using commercially available kites with home built kites carbon fibre high-tech rigs. With picture galleries. (Belgium)
- Parramatta High School Kite Aerial Photography - KAP centred around Parramatta High School. Includes details kites of the kites and rigs used. (Australia)
- Doug Whitman - KAP onboard the "Rose" tall ship.
- Bird Shots - David McGeachy offers kite and poll aerial photography galleries and kite aerial photography detailed images of equipment. (Florida USA)
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