Survival and Primitive Technology Outdoors Recreation

This site is dedicated to Stone Age technology, atlatl spear throwers, fire by friction, simple kayaks, and bow and arrow.

    Top: Recreation: Outdoors

Survival and Primitive Technology

See Also:
  • Native Skills - Provides photos and facts about Native American and recreation ancient skills, including primitive archery and flint knapping.
  • Internet Directory for Botany - A to Z list of plants and links to botanical outdoors databases compiled by Shunguo Liu.
  • Survival - Survival tips, including fire-making, food and water procurement, building shelters, outdoors and using medicinal plants. Focus on jungle and sea/beach survival outdoors skills.
  • M40's Wilderness Survival Skills - Learn about skills such as fire-making, shelter construction, survival and primitive outdoors technology primitive weapons, snaring, survival kits, water procurement, and survival and outdoors primitive technology survival psychology.
  • Knife Information - Knife information and archives compiled by Pat Fogarty.
  • HowStuffWorks: How Quicksand Works - Animated tutorial explains how quicksand forms, where it\\'s found, and outdoors how one can escape being trapped in it.
  • Wilderness Manuals - Published by the United States Army. Features map reading and land navigation, topographic symbols, first aid, survival, evasion and recovery, field hygiene and sanitation, and basic cold weather camping.
  • Wilderness Rhythms - Articles on firemaking, cordage, winter camping, and nature lore. Also outdoors teaches workshops in outdoors skills.
  • Society of Primitive Technology - A non-profit organization dedicated to the research, practice and teaching survival and primitive technology of primitive technology, earth skills, wilderness survival and Native awareness.
  • Mountain Man Survival - Survival tips and techniques plus information about building survival and primitive technology an underground shelter.
  • Survive Outdoors - Large informational website covering topics like poison ivy, ticks, heat survival and primitive technology exhaustion, spider bites, and the psychology of survival.
  • Hoods Woods - Wilderness survival instruction, information, and instructional videos for outdoors outdoor enthusiasts.
  • SurvivalIQ - An illustrated guide with information, tips, pictures, maps outdoors and diagrams.
  • - Features hiking, camping, backpacking and wilderness survival tips, outdoors gear tips, survival and primitive technology information about survival school, hiking locations, outdoors photos and contact information.
  • Old Jimbo's site. - Find information concerned with outdoor activities relating to survival, shooting, recreation and plants.
  • History and Primitive Technology Page - Articles about the firepiston, flintknapping, the atlatl, and buckskinning.
  • Fox Kits Survival Kits and Survival School - Offers wilderness survival kits for all outdoor interests and environments outdoors and offers full spectrum survival training from military experts. Includes outdoors courses offered, rates, and location in Selmer, Tennessee.
  • Wilderness Survival Guide - An illustrated guide to basic skills including travel, survival and primitive recreation technology food and water, first-aid, and health.
  • Native Tech - Articles on clay and pottery, leather and clothes, survival and primitive technology stonework and tools, weaving and cordage, food and survival and primitive technology recipes.
  • Simple Survival - Articles by B.L. Benton on many aspects of recreation wilderness survival, including equipment, first aid, procuring food recreation and water, building shelters, navigation, signaling, and making recreation primitive weapons.
  • Survival Topics - Articles on outdoor survival skills, gear, kits, tips and tricks.
  • The Attitude of Survival - A brief guide to the mental side of dealing with recreation unexpected survival situations.
  • AAA Wilderness Survival - Includes information on how to light a fire, recreation build a recreation shelter, find food, and find water.
  • Bushcraft UK - A resource for anyone interested in the outdoors, recreation especially for survival and primitive technology those involved in bushcraft, fieldcraft, or recreation survival. Provides articles, a survival and primitive technology forum, and reviews of recreation wilderness survival products.
  • Wilderness Resource List - A compilation of wilderness schools, periodicals, and listservs.
  • Primitive Ways - This site is dedicated to Stone Age technology, atlatl spear throwers, fire by friction, simple kayaks, and bow and arrow.
  • Safety at Hiker Central - Safety and survival tips and links.
  • Ol' Buffalo Preparedness Page - Resource for learning to survive in the wilderness survival and primitive recreation technology as well as at home in a disaster.
  • The Outlands WebStead - Information on homesteading, survival, and other aspects of outdoors self-reliance written recreation by people actively involved in living outdoors close to the land.
  • The Ranger's Digest - Provides a collection of survival tips as well as an recreation order form to buy them in hard copy.

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