Help Plants Fish and Aquaria Pets

Information on all aspects of freshwater live plantkeeping. Also includes detailed information on lighting, algae and snails which may be useful to all aquarists

    Top: Recreation: Pets: Fish and Aquaria: Plants


  • Plantnutx FAQ - The beginning of a FAQ sheet from the Asian hobby plants group Plantnutx.
  • [The Krib] Aquatic Plants - [The Krib] Aquatic Plants
  • Robust Plants for the Dutch Aquarium - Help site by Torsten Tiedtke.
  • Aquatic Plant FAQ - Information on all aspects of freshwater live plantkeeping. help Also includes detailed information on lighting, algae and help snails which may be useful to all aquarists
  • Aquariums! - including some good material on aquarium and aquatic plant related help articles and subjects
  • Plant Primer - Almost an FAQ on how to use plants help in the aquarium and get the best from help them.
  • Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants - the U. of Florida presents a large collection fish and aquaria of links sorted into categories designed to be fish and aquaria extremely helpful to anyone doing research or just fish and aquaria curious about Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive plants
  • Water Plants 101 - A basic Introduction to the physiology and ecology fish and aquaria help of aquatic plants

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