Nets Special Interest Organizations Amateur

Informal HF group net features discussion of DX conditions, signal reports, events schedule and amateur radio information. All amateurs welcome.

    Top: Recreation: Radio: Amateur: Organizations: Special Interest


  • 7.272 Ragchew HF Net - Informal HF group net features discussion of DX nets conditions, signal special interest reports, events schedule and amateur radio nets information. All amateurs welcome.
  • Trans-Provincial Net - Meets on 7055 MHz 40 metres daily 7 special interest am organizations to 5 pm. Contains net control calendar.
  • Columbia Basin Net - Operates on 3.960 KHz daily at 7:00 pm. Includes organizations membership requirements, roster and photo album.
  • 1721 HF Roundtable Group - An informal roundtable on 40-meters for all amateurs. nets Includes contact special interest information and check-in times.
  • Western Country Cousins - This net meets nightly on or near 3970 KHz nets at 9:00 pm Pacific time. Contains officer list, membership requirements nets and events details.
  • The Pacific Seafarer's Net - A network of operators whose purpose is to provide support nets and assistance to boats at sea. In addition to traffic nets handling, tasks include conveyance of marine weather reports, phone patch nets service and rescue coordination.
  • South West Astronomy Observers Group - A group of amateur astronomers who meet weekly organizations on the nets DuPage ARC repeater to discuss their organizations mutual interest - eMail, nets IRLP and EchoLink participation organizations are permitted. Reports, event notices and nets the experiences organizations of check-ins are always welcome. (DuPage, IL)
  • NWCC - Northwest Country Cousins - A directed net that meets each evening on special interest or near the frequency 3970 KHz at 7:00 special interest PM Pacific prevailing time. Includes officers, roster and special interest links.
  • Interconnect Net - Operating daily on 14.300, this group\\'s purpose is organizations to promote special interest goodwill between operators and handle third-party organizations traffic between approved countries special interest and entities.
  • Yahoo Groups: The Insomniac Net - Nightly net on 70 cm, using the Western nets Intertie Network organizations (WIN) System and the Dallas reflector nets 9453 on the IRLP.
  • Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net - Provides membership requirements, events, roster and traffic handling information.
  • Maritime Mobile Service Network - Founded in 1968 and operating on 14.300, the organizations MMSN is special interest a network of radio amateurs meeting organizations on 14.300 to serve special interest maritime mobiles and deployed organizations military primarily through traffic handling.
  • Nightly Talk Around Net - Promoting amateur radio with in-depth information, contest and organizations QSL frequencies, organizations contact list, and links.

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