Meteorscatter VHF Amateur Radio
Ham radio on the rocks on VHF and up
Top: Recreation: Radio: Amateur: VHF
Editor's Picks:
WSJT - FSK, JT44 and JT65 for Meteorscatter and EME by K1JT

- International Meteor Organization - Information about observing techniques, meteor showers, the amateur meteor community, vhf and solar system. Includes links to amateur meteor astronomy resources.
- Q & A about Radio Meteors - Questions and Answers about Radio Meteor Observing, collected meteorscatter by IMO, The International Meteor Organization
- AMS Meteor Observations - Automated Meteor Observations at the Astronomical Observatory of amateur the University of Ghent
- W8WN and WD8LPN - High Speed CW Meteor Scatter information, news, photos, vhf HSCW contacts list, and operator resources.
- Digital Tape Recorder - DF7KF features the digital tape recorder for meteorscatter meteorscatter (DTR MS).
- OH5IY Information on meteorscatter and meteor showers - Introduces the Meteorscatter (Compact MS-Soft and Compact VM-Soft) software to vhf new users and provides information on meteorscatter and meteor showers.
- HSCW - The stateside meteorscatter page by W6/PA0ZN
- MS_EXE Packet Meteor Scatter - and other software at UCSD
- Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin - Monthly world wide forward scatter observations.
- N5KDA Ham Radio Page - A beginners guide to working SSB Meteor Skeds meteorscatter on 144Mhz
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