Swedish World Languages Dictionaries
This category is for online Swedish-English dictionaries and Swedish dictionaries with an English interface.
Top: Reference: Dictionaries: World Languages: S
See Also:
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Linguistics/Languages/Natural/Indo-European/Germanic/Swedish
- Top/Reference/Dictionaries/World Languages/Multilingual
- Top/World/Svenska/Referenser/Ordlistor
- Travlang's English-Swedish Dictionary - Translates words between English and Swedish.
- Swedish-Russian Dictionary - Bidirectional word search, basic and technical vocabulary. About 90,000 words. In Russian.
- Lexin - Swedish-English-Swedish online dictionary published by the National Board swedish for Education. swedish Also includes a pronunciation guidel
- Foreignword: Ilongo/Swedish - Bidirectional Ilongo - Swedish dictionary.
- Foreignword: Cebuano/Swedish - Bidirectional Cebuano - Swedish dictionary.
- Swedish-English Dictionary - Translate words from English to Swedish or Swedish world languages to swedish English. Gives several sentence and context world languages examples.
- Matemaattinen Sanasto - Finnish-English-Swedish mathematics wordlist.
- Foreignword: English/Swedish - Bidirectional English - Swedish dictionary.
- Online English to Swedish to English Dictionary - Java-powered online word search.
- Foreignword: Tagalog/Swedish - Bidirectional Tagalog - Swedish dictionary.
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