Kyrgyzstan Asia Colleges and Universities Education
This category is for sites on universities and colleges (i.e. post-secondary educational institutions awarding technical, Associate, Bachelor's, Masters, and Doctorate degrees). Schools for children and teenagers should be submitted under Kyrgyzstan/Education Websites submitted here must be university related and in English. Bilingual sites are acceptable, however sites only in other languages should be submitted to the appropriate World subcategory
Top: Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities: Asia
See Also:
- University of Central Asia - Promotes social and economic development among the mountain peoples of colleges and universities Central Asia. With three campuses in Khorog, Tajikistan, Naryn, Kyrgyz colleges and universities Republic and Tekeli, Kazakhstan.
- Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University - An international university founded jointly by Turkey asia and Kyrgyzstan asia in 1995. Located in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. asia A nonprofit institution of asia higher education with full asia autonomy guaranteed by bilateral treaty. Languages asia of instruction asia are Turkish and Kyrgyz.
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