Technology K through 12 Education

Promotes effective use of information and communication technologies to support and enhance learning. Provides information about educational technology, teacher training, professional development, grants, and learning on the Internet.

    Top: Reference: Education: K through 12


See Also:
  • Educational Technology WebRing - List of all member web sites.
  • The Technology Coordinator's Web Site - Information for educators who have a leadership role k through 12 education in integrating technology in K-12 schools and educational k through 12 education settings.
  • Lower Hudson Regional Information Center - Educational technology resources available for technology leadership including education school lesson technology plans, security, networks, software, and student education information systems.
  • State of Utah Resource Web - Free password allows entry to editable multimedia presentation technology library and tutored production studio for customized projects technology using on-site and links to images and sounds. technology Testing modules, trivia game, and screensavers are technology added attractions.
  • McKinsey Report - Provides facts and perspectives to help policymakers and educators education understand what it will take to connect the nation\\'s public education K-12 schools to the information superhighway over the next 5 education to 10 years. Prepared for the National Information Infrastructure
  • NSBF Internet Survey - Are We There Yet? - Research and guidelines on schools\\' use of the k through 12 Internet.
  • Information Technology in School Libraries - Useful to teachers, teacher-librarians, administrators, and students as they incorporate education information technology into the curriculum in their schools. Has a education section on education in Nova Scotia.
  • Technology in Education - Annotated collection of links to resources related to technology using or education planning to use technology in schools.
  • Teachers Helping Teachers - Lesson plans for integrating the Internet with your curriculum. This k through 12 is a free, non-profit service. It costs nothing to access k through 12 the information, and no money is made from teachers k through 12 who contribute.
  • Integrated Technology Education Group - Describes a total system approach to the challenges of linking technology education technology products and services to school facilities, while seeking technology to optimize student learning.
  • World Links - Connects and trains teachers and kids in developing k through 12 education countries to improve education and employment opportunities. Includes k through 12 education news, features stories, and links to resources. In k through 12 education English, Spanish and French.
  • Uncommon Sense: Educators Reinventing the Profession from the Inside Out - There is no set of workshops, exercises, books, CD-ROMs or technology Web sites that will take us where we need to technology go, simply because the goal keeps moving. However, there are technology a host of options with which we can pursue our technology goals of lifelong improvement.
  • Virtual Architecture - Contains examples of curriculum-based educational telecomputing projects and other related resources. Companion site to the ISTE book of the same name.
  • Ozline - A package for using "Web-and-Flow" to support schools, education districts and regions.
  • Developing a School or District Technology Plan - Hyperlinked summary of this issue.
  • Making the Net Work for Schools: Online Research Modules - Online research modules provide a path a teacher k through 12 can follow with a class of students. They k through 12 offer clear instructions as well as daily activities k through 12 which focus on higher level thinking and electronic k through 12 resources which have been tested for quality.
  • Planning for Change and Technology - Processes and tools to assist in leading change and k through 12 planning for technology.
  • The Learning Resource Server - Features the projects of teachers and students, as technology well as the work of researchers who are technology articulating new visions of what learning can be. technology Also providers resources to help educators learn how technology to create new knowledge.
  • Children's Internet Protection Act - Up to date information on the Children\\'s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
  • Catalyst - Resources, training, tools, and templates to build web k through 12 pages and utilize technology in the classroom.
  • The iTeacherEd Project - This site is an original resource for instructional k through 12 technology technology for the K-12 level and for Schools k through 12 technology of Education wanting to better introduce technological literacy k through 12 technology into Teacher Education Programs.
  • Literacy and Technology - Annotated resource for parents, teachers, and students K-12. Education, media, technology computer, reference, and virtual field trip links included.
  • Technology Student Association - TSA is a national organization devoted to elementary, education middle and k through 12 high school students with a dedicated education interest in technology. Assisting k through 12 TSA\\'s students are teachers, education alumni, parents and business leaders who k through 12 support a education technologically literate society.
  • YouthLearn - A resource and community for after-school youth programs k through 12 k through 12 that integrate technology. Includes lesson plans, teaching techniques, k through 12 k through 12 project design tools, samples and examples, software/hardware advice, k through 12 k through 12 discussions.
  • Technology Applications Center for Educator Development - Teacher-sifted activities utilizing web resources in core subjects k through 12 and technology.
  • November Learning - Promotes effective use of information and communication technologies to support and enhance learning. Provides information about educational technology, teacher training, professional development, grants, and learning on the Internet.
  • Electronic Emissary - Helps K-12 teachers and students with web access k through 12 education locate other Internet users who are experts in k through 12 education different disciplines for the purpose of setting up k through 12 education curriculum-based, electronic exchanges among the teachers, students, and k through 12 education the experts. Also conducts researc
  • NetDayCompass - A directory of education technology resources designed for decision-makers in K-12 schools. Topics include planning, infrastructure, grants and funding, classroom support, and best practices.
  • U.S. Dept. of Education - Educational Technology - Funding opportunities for technology, the Technology Literacy Challenge, education information on the e-rate, research and publications.
  • Quia - Create educational webpages or games or tests for education a fee.
  • Filamentality 2.0 - Guided process to construct internet treasure hunts and technology WebQuests as education well as a repository of activities technology and links.
  • National Educational Technology Standards Project - Goal is to develop standards that will guide technology educational leaders in planning for effective use technology of technology to support learning, teaching, and technology educational management. Includes resources and example lesson technology plans for teachers.
  • This is our Time - A worldwide telecommunications project for secondary schools organised k through 12 technology for Unesco ASP (Associated Schools Projects).
  • NetLingo: The Internet Language Dictionary - A dictionary and glossary for the language of the Internet k through 12 acronyms.
  • The TELRI Project: Technology Enhanced Learning in Research-led Institutions - News, resources, publications, events, case studies and evaluation materials, project k through 12 overview, and contact details.
  • National Center for Technology Planning - A clearinghouse for the exchange of many types of information related to technology planning.
  • Tech Corps - A national non-profit organization dedicated to improving K-12 education at the grassroots level by helping educators effectively use technology in their schools.
  • CEO Forum on Education and Technology - Issues reports and annual assessments of the nation\\'s education progress toward technology integrating technology into American classrooms through education the year 2000.
  • Internet Pocket Guide for Teachers - Gives teachers step-by-step directions for getting connected to education the Internet. Includes exercises and tips for using education the Internet in the curriculum.
  • Extend, Enhance, and Facilitate - This website is intended as a way to share ideas with fellow educators and engage in an on-going conversation about the ways in which technology can extend, enhance, and facilitate learning. It provides lessons, activities,and resources.
  • Keyboarding Research and Resources - A collection of research and resources about when and how education to teach keyboarding. Dr. Leigh Zeitz also makes a education few comments on the subject.
  • Grazing the Net: Raising a Generation of Free Range Students - The theme of this article is the value k through 12 of raising young people to think, explore and k through 12 make meaning for themselves.
  • Internet4Classrooms - Index to three collections of sites designed to k through 12 help teachers use the Internet effectively, or to k through 12 learn specific software applications.

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