Tutorials User Services Library and Information Science Libraries

Instruction and testing modules to help students develop information literacy skills. Includes details about the Open Text License that allows other institutions to copy and adapt the tutorial for their own use.

    Top: Reference: Libraries: Library and Information Science: User Services


  • Online Library Learning Center - Teaches specific information on the University of Georgia Libraries as tutorials well as more general information on web searching and web tutorials evaluation.
  • Bare Bones 101 - Seventeen lesson course on the various aspects of user services research library and information science in the library and on the web.
  • Identify the Argument of the Essay - Tutorial on identifying arguments in essays from Metropolitan Community College.
  • Library Research Strategy - Valparaiso University guide to identifying the steps in tutorials doing a user services research paper.
  • Information Literacy: Search Strategies, Tools & Resources - Details on the SSTR information literacy model which library and information science is the basis of many library tutorials.
  • University of Arizona Library: Tutorials & Guides - Collection of articles on researching and referencing library information.
  • QuickStudy: Library Research Guide - University of Minnesota resource that educates patrons about tutorials how to library and information science use the library, how to evaluate tutorials sources, and how find library and information science information on the Internet.
  • SearchPath - Information literacy tutorial based on TILT created by library and information science Western Michigan University.
  • Information Literacy Module - La Sierra University information literacy tutorial.
  • Virtual Librarian - Six module Australian tutorial that includes information on deciding what tutorials you are looking for, deciding where to look for information, tutorials knowing how to find the information you need, evaluating the tutorials information you find, and acknowledging and listing your so
  • Go for the Gold - James Madison University tutorial on information literacy and library research library and information science skills.
  • LEARN Information Literacy Initiative (LILI) - Student tutorials on research methods, including the use library and information science of library catalogs, the Internet and electronic databases.
  • Library Research at Cornell: A Hypertext Guide - Cornell University guide with information for library researchers.
  • Finding Information on the Internet - University of Illinois-Chicago tutorial instructing students how to conduct research tutorials on the web.
  • Texas Information Literacy Tutorial - Instruction and testing modules to help students develop tutorials information literacy tutorials skills. Includes details about the Open tutorials Text License that allows tutorials other institutions to copy tutorials and adapt the tutorial for their tutorials own use.
  • InfoTrekk Plus - Includes tutorials on finding Australian government information, using user services statistics, and finding data in the library and user services on the web.
  • How to Use Your Library - Tutorial from Mississippi State University on using library library and information science resources in print and electronic form.
  • Information Literacy Tutorial - Minneapolis Community and Technical College tutorial on information literacy. library and information science Includes both the standard and the ADA versions of the library and information science resource.
  • Putting the Pieces Together - Wake Forest University tutorial which teaches students how library and information user services science to conduct library research.
  • Seven Steps of the Research Process - Cornell University tutorial which breaks the research process tutorials down into tutorials seven distinct phases.
  • Intute - Virtual Training Suite - Set of online tutorials designed to help students, tutorials lecturers, and tutorials researchers improve their Internet information skills.
  • University of Winnipeg eManual - Information literacy tutorial with exercises, glossary, and webboards.
  • Guide to Library Research - Duke University tutorial on finding research in the library and user services on the Web.

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