France Europe Art Museums Arts and Entertainment
Discover the art of collage in exhibits made by 110 artists from more than 23 countries. Includes details of the collection, workshops, and contact information. Located in Paris, France. [French and English]
Top: Reference: Museums: Arts and Entertainment: Art Museums: Europe
See Also:
- Musee Rodin - Sculptures by Rodin such as the Thinker, the Kiss, and france works by Camille Claudel exhibited in Paris.
- Musée Elise Rieuf - Features the works of two female painters, Elise Rieuf and france Charlotte Musson, and an introduction to their master, Marguerite Jeanne france Carpentier. Contains hours, fees, and location. [French and English]
- Musée d'Orsay - Overview of the collections of art of the france period 1848-1914, art museums including the impressionists, and features paintings, france sculpture, decorative arts, architecture art museums and photography. Includes france admission fees, hours, directions, membership. Located art museums in Paris. france [French,
- Atelier Cézanne - The workshop of French painter Paul Cézanne. Includes a virtual europe tour, a history of the artist\'s life, news, and information.
- Hill-Stead Museum - Art museum in a restored home containing collections europe of French art museums Impressionist masterpieces by Degas, Manet, Monet europe and others, displayed amidst art museums the furnishings of the europe original collector. Located in Farmington, Connecticut.
- Artcolle Museum - Discover the art of collage in exhibits made france by 110 europe artists from more than 23 countries. france Includes details of the europe collection, workshops, and contact france information. Located in Paris, France. [French europe and English]
- The Catacombs of Paris - Information and gallery about the Paris Catacombs. In French and europe English.
- Musee du Louvre - Official site provides its history, collections, a virtual art museums tour, art museums and a schedule of events.
- E.G. Buehrle Collection - The focal point of the Bührle Collection is art museums French art museums Impressionism and contemporaries. Website with virtual tour. art museums Located in art museums Zurich.
- Orangerie Museum - Tuileries garden museum hosts a collection gathered by Jean Walter europe and Paul Guillaume of paintings by Derain, Renoir, Soutines, Cezanne, europe Picasso and Matisse. Located in Paris, France.
- Musee Jacquemart-Andre - Housed in a mansion built in the heart europe of Paris, art museums the museum exhibits a large collection europe of French art and art museums furnishings.
- Château of Versailles - Royal residence of King Louis XIV. Features europe Hall of Mirrors, trianon, jeu de paume, French-style europe gardens, fountains, musical fountains, coach museum, orangery, grand europe trianon, petit trianon. Includes hours, fees, events europe and directions. [French and Engli
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