Science and Environment Karnataka India Asia
Details of how the collection and use of rainwater can be beneficial to the user and to wider society. Also information and promotion of other aspects of conserving water.
Top: Regional: Asia: India: Karnataka
Science and Environment
See Also:
- Rainwater Club - Details of how the collection and use of india rainwater can be beneficial to the user and india to wider society. Also information and promotion of india other aspects of conserving water.
- Water management in Karnataka - Account of a community based water management strategy karnataka in a karnataka drought prone region.
- Watershed Development Department - Manages and conserves water resources in the state. india Includes details of local and national programmes.
- Dr. Prem Nath Agricultural Science Foundation - A charitable trust established to assist Indian agricultural science and environment science and environment scientists to address agricultural problems for the benefit science and environment science and environment of developing countries.
- Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment - ATREE is a non-profit organization working to conserve India's biodiversity.
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