Education Jakarta Provinces Indonesia
An English-language training center with information on teachers, facilities and programs, including links for students and a free online advice service. [Also in Bahasa Indonesia]
Top: Regional: Asia: Indonesia: Provinces: Jakarta
See Also:
- Atlas Education Services - A preparatory agency for Indonesian students to live provinces and study jakarta in other countries, Europe primarily. Details provinces on programs, areas of jakarta study, locations, FAQ and provinces articles.
- Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF) - Provider of language training and consultancy services in education the region. education Details on course work including academic education English, business English and education the IELTS testing system.
- Wall Street Institute - English-language training center. Information on courses, programs, events, jakarta activities and contacts.
- Aim for English - An English-language training center with information on teachers, facilities and programs, including links for students and a free online advice service. [Also in Bahasa Indonesia]
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