Organizations Society and Culture Nepal Asia
NGO working in the field of education with a focus on women, children and communities. Features information about the organization, its projects, and volunteering.
Top: Regional: Asia: Nepal: Society and Culture
- Universal Volunteers - Offers various volunteer and cross-culture programs. Information on nepal the organization, activities and a location map.
- Nawa Asha Griha - A charitable home and school for street children run by a Swiss charitable organization. Contains information about the organization, news and pictures.
- Chhahari Group Nepal - Offer a range of volunteer and intern programs. nepal Details of individual offerings provided.
- - Information about the pilgrimage place Muktinath at Annapurna.
- Swogun Nepal - A non-profit organization providing aids in the electrical power for light and other house appliances in rural areas in the country. Includes a list of volunteers, sponsors and a photo gallery.
- Youth Volunteer Association for Himalayan Children - Includes information on the activities of the association, society and culture organizations and a photo gallery.
- Gorkha District Health and Educational Scheme - Provides volunteers and funds to promote education, health, society and culture organizations social, environmental and developmental projects in the Gorkha society and culture organizations region. Contains information about the organization and its society and culture organizations initiatives, and annual reports.
- - Offers Internship and volunteer opportunities. Details on the organization and society and culture programs.
- Friends of Sermathang - Support group helping to find volunteer teachers and organizations raise funds organizations for the Yangrima Boarding School in organizations Helambu. Features information about organizations the village, on trekking, organizations and about the school.
- Help Nepal Network - Help Nepal Network is a non-profit organization encouraging nepal Nepalese living nepal abroad to provide assistance in the nepal fields of health and nepal education in Nepal.
- CARE Nepal - Includes history, current, phaseout and pipeline projects, achievements, organizations news, photo organizations gallery and careers.
- Hope & Home - Offers volunteer opportunities and homestay in various programs. nepal Includes a profile of the organisation, volunteer opportunities, nepal training, and application form.
- Himalayan Hands: Phortse Team - Community project work to improve a school in nepal the Sherpa village of Phortse, located in the nepal Sagamartha (Everest) National Park, Nepal. Includes details and nepal photos of the project and the village.
- Nepal German Friendship Association - Details on the organization with a contact listing.
- - Information on the community based trail bridge programs in the organizations country.
- Lions Club of Kathmandu Samakhushi - Includes information on the club, and volunteer programs nepal in the region.
- The Nepal Trust Organisation - Features its missions, projects on health, literacy, renewable energy, development society and culture programmes at upper Karnali river Zone.
- JayatuSanskritam - Promotes Sanskrit language through publications. Briefs on the society and culture society and culture organization and its members.
- Share Nepal Inc. - Non-profit organization, raising funds for education, environment and nepal health related nepal issues in the country. Features a nepal profile and overview of nepal activities.
- TEWA - Includes information on the organization, publications and members.
- Eldis - Country and Region Profiles: Nepal - Database of online development policy, practice and research nepal documents, searchable by sector or keywords. Includes index nepal to British Library of Development Studies printed material.
- Centre of Micro Finance. - Organization supporting the emergence of a sustainable micro finance sector. Features an overview of activities, news, discussions and assessment studies.
- Community Upliftment Society Nepal - Offers various volunteer program in Nepal. Find information about program nepal fees and how to apply.
- Association for Theological Education in Nepal (ATEN) - Promotes Biblical education in Nepal. Includes details on the association organizations and a list of members.
- Friends of Nature - Youth lead social organization of the country with society and culture key activities in Environment.
- Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust - Activities in preserving historical monuments in Kathmandu Valley. Includes introduction, programs and projects of the trust.
- Educate the Children - NGO working in the field of education with organizations a focus on women, children and communities. Features organizations information about the organization, its projects, and volunteering.
- Cooperative Youth Organization Nepal - COYON - A social youth organization working on the sectors of education, organizations health and social development. Presents a profile, and details on organizations the activities and current projects.
- - Includes information on volunteer services, rates, locations, and organizations a photo nepal gallery.
- Legal Campaign Group Nepal - A non profit organization of lawyers campaigning for society and culture human rights, environment and good governance. Contains society and culture information about the group and photographs.
- Patan Junior Jaycees - A leadership development organization of juniors aged 12 society and culture society and culture to 18 years. Details on the organization, board society and culture society and culture members and awards received.
- Everest Nepal Cultural Group - Information on the organization and Folk Festivals held society and culture nepal in the country every 2 years.
- Global Action Nepal - An educational charity working to further the standard society and culture of English taught in Nepalese schools and to society and culture help more poor students pass the high school society and culture examinations. Includes a profile, services, photos and a society and culture brief on members and volunteers.
- R.B.Subba and Kailee - A volunteer program aiming to establish a living church among nepal the disadvantage people in Nepal. Details on the aims and nepal objectives and a list of programs.
- The Himal Association - Not-for-profit organisation with the objective of informing the society and culture society and culture Nepali people of local, national and international news society and culture society and culture and issues.
- Nepal Reliance Organization - Includes information on volunteer opportunities and programs.
- Siddha Samaz Sewa Nepal - NGO involved in socio-economic, environmental and developmental activities. Contains the organization\'s constitution, overview of activities and information on funding.
- Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Nepal - Offers news, reports, photo gallery, and summary on organizations the organization, organizations activities, and objectives.
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