Music Arts and Entertainment Haiti Caribbean

Unofficial site of Tabou Combo, one of the most famous bands from the Caribbean. Includes: forum, picture, news, schedule and fan club.

    Top: Regional: Caribbean: Haiti: Arts and Entertainment


  • Belfet - Haitian Music Resource Center - A Haitian music site featuring Haitian party listings, haiti Haitian events, Haitian music lyrics, Haitian CD releases, haiti and Haitian artist profiles.
  • Rockmasters - Information about the activities of Haitian DJs, animators, music and general information in the entertainment field.
  • Planet Tabou - Unofficial site of Tabou Combo, one of the arts and entertainment music most famous bands from the Caribbean. Includes: forum, arts and entertainment music picture, news, schedule and fan club.
  • Carimi - Official site for Haitian music group Carimi.
  • Erol Josue Prince of Haitian Root Music - Erol Josue Haitian Root music Vodou world music.
  • Sweet Micky - Caribbean Hall of fame - Caribbean Hall of Fame entry for Sweet Micky arts and entertainment including links to other sites and a biography.
  • Jean-Michel Daudier - Jean Michel Daudier is a well known singer music and songwriter music from Haiti.
  • Frontliners - A Haitian Christian rap group from Queens, New York.

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