Bulgaria Europe Regional
Official government site tells about the government and the country in general. Includes the history of the country, some basic statistics, national symbols, public holidays, and a map of the districts as well as speeches by the prime minister and other g
Top: Regional: Europe
See Also:
- Top/Kids and Teens/School Time/Social Studies/Geography/Europe/Bulgaria
- Top/Regional/Europe/Regions/Central and Eastern Europe
- Top/Regional/Europe/Regions/Balkans
- Top/World/Bulgarian
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Linguistics/Languages/Natural/Indo-European/Slavic/Bulgarian
- US Library of Congress. Country Profile: Bulgaria - Overview of life, history, and culture of Bulgaria regional by the US Library of Congress.[PDF]
- Republic of Bulgaria - Official government site tells about the government and the country bulgaria in general. Includes the history of the country, some basic bulgaria statistics, national symbols, public holidays, and a map of the bulgaria districts as well as speeches by the prime minister and bulgaria other g
- Bulgaria: National Statistical Institute - Official government site offers information about the law regional on statistics, regional and information about the population, ecology, regional and economy of the regional country.
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