Astronomy Science and Environment Poland Europe
Information on current research projects, publications, staff and the observatory's history. Also a real-time graph of solar radio emissions at 10 frequencies in decimeter wavelengths refreshed every 10 minutes.
Top: Regional: Europe: Poland: Science and Environment
- Poznan Astronomical Observatory - Scientific activities in the fields of astrometry, celestial science and environment mechanics and astrophysics. Site has news on science and environment some of its research projects, publications, teaching and science and environment links to astronomy-related resources online.
- Polish Meteorite Service - Photographs and data about major Polish meteorites.
- Institute of Astronomy, Wroclaw University - General information, staff, research, education, variable stars observations database, atlas science and environment of solar prominences
- Borowiec Observatory - The Astrogeodynamic Observatory at Borowiec specializes in the geodynamic studies science and environment with the use of space techniques. The site contains information science and environment on research programs and facilities and history of the science and environment observatory.
- Torun Centre for Astronomy of the Nicolaus Copernicus University - Centre was created by a merger of Torun astronomy Radio Astronomy poland Observatory and Institute of Astronomy (optical astronomy telescopes). Its radio poland telescopes are part of astronomy the Very Long Baseline Interferometry global poland network. astronomy Real time updates on operations of its 32 poland astronomy m radio
- Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork - Tourist information, facilities, section on Copernicus (biography, work, poland portraits).
- Comets and Meteors Workshop - Co-ordinating observations of transient astronomical phenomena throughout Poland.
- Mt. Suhora Astronomical Observatory - Mt. Suhora Observatory is part of the Astronomy Department of science and environment the Pedagogical University in Cracow specializing in the photometry of science and environment variable stars. Information about the observatory, its scientific output and science and environment some useful links.
- Polish Amateur Astronomers Society, Torun Branch - Members, astronomy-related links.
- Polish Amateur Astronomers Society, Warsaw Division - Regional branch of this national organization for amateur astronomers. Introduction science and environment in English, the rest of the site in Polish. Also science and environment astronomy-related links.
- Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory - Observatory\\'s homepage; includes scientific results of The Optical Gravitational Lensing poland Experiment (OGLE) Project and The All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) poland Project.
- Jagiellonian University Astronomical Observatory - Information on current research projects, publications, staff and the observatory\\'s history. Also a real-time graph of solar radio emissions at 10 frequencies in decimeter wavelengths refreshed every 10 minutes.
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