Claimants Romanovs Russian Empire History
The sites listed in this category deal with persons, and their descendants, who claim to have survived the assasination of the Imperial family in July 1918 at Impatiev House in Ekaterinburg. In particular, these persons generally claim to be the Tsarevich Alexei or the Grand Duchess Anastasia, whose bodies were not among those recovered and reburied in 1998. They have been separated out from the other sites on the Romanov family because the family does not recognize their claims as legitimate, nor is there conclusive evidence to support their claims.
Top: Regional: Europe: Russia: Society and Culture: History: Russian Empire: Romanovs
See Also:
- Anastasia: The Unmasking Of Anna Anderson - Explaining how Anna Anderson, who claimed to be the Grand Duchess Anastasia, was identified as being Franziska Schanzkowska.
- Anastasia - Article supporting the claim that Anna Anderson was romanovs in reality romanovs the Grand Duchess Anastasia.
- Anastasia and Anna Anderson - The last tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, and his wife romanovs Alexandra; and their daughter Anastasia. Was she romanovs Anna Anderson?
- Anastasia: Duchess in Disguise - Comparative photographs of the Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov romanovs and Anna Anderson.
- Anna-Anastasia: Notes on Franziska Schanzkowska - "Anna Anderson\\'s" biographer Peter Kurth takes a closer look at claimants the 1994 DNA results.
- HIH Alexei Romanov - The Spala Crisis of 1912. John Kendrick examines romanovs the case claimants of the Tsarevich Alexei\\'s haemophilia, and romanovs concludes that Heino Tammet claimants was really the Tsarevich.
- Anastasia Romanov and Anna Anderson - Article on Anna Andersen, who claimed to be romanovs the Grand romanovs Duchess Anastasia.
- Tsarevich Alexei - John Kendrick, a freelance reporter, documents his claim russian empire that claimants a resident of Vancouver, Canada, Heino Tammet, russian empire now deceased, claimants was the Tsarevich Alexei.
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