Friendly Societies Personal Finance Financial Services Business and Economy

Offers healthcare plans and private health insurance for UK residents and those who reside abroad for part of the year. Includes contact and product details, also help for members making a claim.

    Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Financial Services: Personal Finance

Friendly Societies

Editor's Picks:

Association of Friendly Societies* - The AFS is the representative body for UK friendly societies. The site aims to keep member societies aware of developments in the industry and to provide information about friendly societies to everyone, including information on member societies. UK frien

  • Civil Service Healthcare - CS Healthcare specialises in providing health insurance exclusively for civil servants, employees in the public sector and privatised industries, and their families who are living in the UK. Former employees can also benefit.
  • Rechabite Friendly Society - This society offers financial services to people who are non-drinkers. More than an alcohol-free friendly society, its members share a common vision of a better way to live and a truly mutual society. In addition to product and contact details, there is i
  • Friendly Societies Research Group - An Open University research group set up to friendly societies promote personal finance research into the history and operation of friendly societies friendly societies, personal finance to exchange information about them and friendly societies to raise awareness personal finance of the historical and current friendly societies roles of friendly societies.
  • Health Shield Friendly Society - Health Shield is a non-profit making friendly society friendly societies and has over 125 years experience of healthcare friendly societies provision, specialising in cash benefits healthcare schemes for friendly societies companies and individuals throughout the UK.
  • Transport Friendly Society - A society dedicated to employees of the public personal finance transport personal finance industry and their families. Details of Endowment, personal finance Life, Sickness personal finance and Hospital benefits available to members personal finance and downloadable claim personal finance forms.
  • Homeowners Friendly Society Limited - Offers a range of savings, investment and life insurance products friendly societies including a Child Trust Fund account, equity ISA and friendly societies over 50s life insurance.
  • Cirencester Friendly Society Limited - Cirencester Friendly Society - A Holloway society whose personal finance "Income friendly societies Assured" schem is designed to meet the personal finance needs of friendly societies the self-employed, those in employment who personal finance must rely on friendly societies state benefit during periods of personal finance incapacity and those who friendly societies simply want to prote
  • Teachers Provident Society - Membership of the society is open to all. friendly societies It personal finance offers a range of products: tax-free savings friendly societies for adults personal finance and children, ISAs and stakeholder pensions. friendly societies Applications may be personal finance made on-line.
  • Hearts of Oak Friendly Society - Contact details for this Leicester based society plus friendly societies unit prices for its linked funds updated weekly.
  • Oddfellows, Manchester Unity - Details of services and benefits to support members, financial services along personal finance with the lodges which have active social financial services programmes and personal finance provide help and support to members financial services in the local personal finance area. The society has a financial services connection with the Citizens personal finance Advice Bureau to provide financial services effective sup
  • Grand United Order of Oddfellows - GUOOFS claims to be the oldest and longest friendly societies established of all the traditional branch friendly societies. friendly societies Details of a range of life, sickness and friendly societies investment products plus a fund manager link. Branch friendly societies directory, who\'s who, and quiz - need Shockwave.
  • British Benefits Friendly Society Ltd - The society offers Permanent Health Insurance, Low Rate friendly societies Loans and Financial Planning for Education, Sickness and friendly societies Nursing Advice. Product details including the Century Plan friendly societies capital account are available plus downloadable forms.
  • Holloway Friendly Society - Provide permanent health insurance PHI and tax exempt financial services savings bonds. Mutual society based in Gloucester.
  • POIS Assurance - POIS is now part of Family Assurance Friendly financial services Society. personal finance A range of savings, insurance and investment financial services products are personal finance available to employees of the Royal financial services Mail, BT and personal finance the Civil Service.
  • Sons of Temperance Friendly Society - The friendly society for total abstainers from alcohol. personal finance Contains personal finance details about the society\\'s heritage, its product personal finance range and personal finance other membership information.
  • Royal Liver Assurance - Royal Liver operates throughout the UK and in friendly societies Ireland. personal finance It offers a range of insurance products friendly societies (including life, personal finance protection, pensions, ISAs and other savings friendly societies policies; also home, personal finance motor and wedding insurance). On-line friendly societies application is available through personal finance the si
  • Compass Friendly Society - Single product guide, including company and contact details.
  • Family Assurance - UK\\'s largest tax-exempt Friendly Society. Family Assurance Provides financial services Savings Bonds, Children's Savings Bonds and Investment Products.
  • Scottish Friendly Assurance Society - A Glasgow based friendly society providing Investments, Pensions, personal finance Life friendly societies Assurance, Tax Free Savings Plans. Full details personal finance of ISAs, friendly societies lump sum investments, pensions, life assurance personal finance products and printable friendly societies application forms.
  • Communications Workers Friendly Society - A Friendly Society open to members of the personal finance Communications Workers Union and their families. Includes an personal finance on-line enquiry form for its Life and Savings personal finance Policy. Also details of car, household and holiday personal finance insurance.
  • British Airways Benefit Fund - British Airways Benefit Fund is exclusively for staff financial services of financial services British Airways and service partner organisations and financial services provides practical financial services care and financial support during times financial services of ill health. financial services The Fund is a division financial services of British Benefits Friendly financial services Society Ltd. Detai
  • Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society - The AOF, often called the Foresters Friendly Society, is based in Southampton with a network of branches around the country. This site provides details of: the savings, investment and protection products available; historical background on the Foresters;
  • Sheffield Mutual Friendly Society - With a new name and corporate identity to financial services link financial services the former "Independent Druids" society to the financial services city of financial services Sheffield it boasts a range of financial services savings, sickness, insurance financial services ISA and investment products.
  • Druids Sheffield Friendly Society - Offers practical and affordable savings schemes and insurance financial services plans to meet the needs of people from financial services all walks of life. Includes an on-line enquiry financial services form.
  • Liverpool Victoria - The largest UK friendly society, located in Bournemouth. friendly societies Offers a range of products and services: friendly societies includes savings and investment products, credit cards and friendly societies loans, insurance and financial advice.
  • The Children's Mutual - Offers company profile, details of services, information for new and existing customers, and contacts.
  • Partnership - The society specialises in providing Impaired Life Annuities(e.g. compulsory purchase personal finance annuities for retirement and purchased life annuities especially for the personal finance immediate needs of long term care). The site is intended personal finance for use mainly by professional financia
  • Kingston Unity Friendly Society - Leeds based friendly society. Offer sickness, life and financial services tax-exempt friendly societies savings products.
  • Shepherds Friendly Society - The Shepherds Friendly Society is a mutual organisation, personal finance a society run and managed by its members personal finance for its members. Site describes the life products personal finance available to members and includes a rather jolly personal finance animated sheep menu!
  • Dentists & General - Open to dentists and other professionals and offering information on products and services along with contact details, a members area and access for IFAs.
  • Police Mutual Assurance - The police service\\'s very own financial services organisation financial services providing a range of products and services exclusively financial services for the police family.
  • Exeter Friendly Society - Offers healthcare plans and private health insurance for personal finance UK residents and those who reside abroad for personal finance part of the year. Includes contact and personal finance product details, also help for members making a personal finance claim.
  • Benenden Healthcare - An independent charitable trust with its own hospital in Cranbrook. Membership information, map of regional centres, FAQs and press releases.
  • Friendly Societies - Directory of friendly societies with historical features and friendly societies other friendly societies background information.
  • Nottingham Friendly Society - A regional friendly society offering a range of products: regular friendly societies savings, lump-sum investment, funeral expenses plan and insurance ISA. Full friendly societies product details and quotations available.
  • Schoolteachers Friendly Society - A friendly society originally set up by teachers and for teachers. Now open to the anyone working in the education sector. Benefits include Sickness Income Plan (for those in the education sector) and Tax-exempt Investment Policy (for everybody).

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