Education United Kingdom Europe

Aims to improve education nationally and internationally by undertaking research and dissemination activities. Includes organisation profile, research activities and reports, publications, and information services.

    Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom


See Also:
Editor's Picks:

BBC Learning* - Archive of BBC educational websites. Includes lesson plans, articles and other educational resources.

  • IQ Media - Offers a variety of educational resources.
  • 4Learning - Online educational resources for teachers, pupils and home europe learners.
  • First School Years - Free worksheets, flashcards and other resources for Early education Years, Key education Stage 1 and Elementary teachers.
  • Intute - Directory created by a network of UK universities and partners education of the best Web resources for education and research.
  • Safe Routes to Schools - Aims to promote sustainable travel to school through dissemination of europe best practice.
  • Support 4 Learning - Information, advice and resources for students and advisers. united kingdom Sections include careers, community, counselling, jobsearch, education, health, united kingdom money, reference and a calendar of dates in united kingdom world religions.
  • National Curriculum - Resources, teaching guidance and ideas, information from National united kingdom Curriculum teacher handbooks, and non-statutory guidelines, offered by united kingdom the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. Includes subject and united kingdom cross-curricular resources, and inclusion informatio
  • Active Reviewing Guide - Free ezines, tips, tools, articles, research, and book extracts about united kingdom active learning.
  • Socrates UK - European Union education programme spanning the entire breadth of the national education system. Includes programmes, case studies, resources, FAQ, news and application details.
  • School Select - Experts in school admissions. Services offered include school united kingdom search, education school appeals and consultancy services for both united kingdom parents and education for schools.
  • Alternatives in Education - Information on education alternatives to school.
  • Key Stage 123 - Key stage relevant links, purchasable educational resources and guidance on education preparation for tests and exam.
  • - Advice for schools and institutions about taking children on offsite educational trips.
  • Learning Alive - Education links, and resources for schools to communicate education with others and publish web pages.
  • Campaign for State Education (CASE) - Believes in an education system that is fair europe to all and which has the resources to europe provide excellent quality. Details of core beliefs, information europe about its campaigning, andhow to get involved.
  • Catholic Education Service - Aims to promote and safeguard Catholic interests in education and education to contribute to Christian perspectives within educational debate. Includes organisation education profile and publications list with order form.
  • Bullying - Advice for parents, advice for children, school projects education and legal advice.
  • - Campaign to encourage Internet use within the national curriculum and to provide an information network to support the education sector. Includes campaign details, and demonstration pages of Class Room, Home Time, Playground and Staff Room zones.
  • STEMNET - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network. Provides resources education for students, teachers and professionals.
  • Schoolzone - Resource for schools and all curriculum areas, with united kingdom well edited weblinks.
  • - Learning resources for the national curriculum from The Guardian.
  • National Foundation for Educational Research - Aims to improve education nationally and internationally by undertaking research and dissemination activities. Includes organisation profile, research activities and reports, publications, and information services.
  • British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) - Trade association for the educational supply industry. Includes europe information about united kingdom the association, pages for educators, and europe searchable database of suppliers.
  • - Interactive site providing guidance to students aged 13-19 europe for their education career and education choices. Includes questionnaires, europe school-linked advisors and resources.
  • Human Scale Education - Educational charity promoting small alternative schools, small classes education and home education. Background to the charity, their education objectives, events and project news.
  • Sathya Sai Education in Human Values - Educational programme designed for character development, based on fundamental human education values. Includes resources, training, news and information for parents and education teachers.
  • BBC: Schools Revision Guide - Listings of resources for revising for your GCSEs, standard grades, united kingdom AS levels, SATs and KS3 exams.
  • Joint Council for Qualifications - Voice of the awarding bodies offering the majority united kingdom of education the UK\\'s educational qualifications. Details of the united kingdom JCQ\\'s role, education qualifications offered by its members, and united kingdom FAQs.
  • Creativity, The Literary Charity - Offering workshops and presentations to encourage individuals to explore their own creative potential. Charity profile and contact details.
  • The Religious Education Council of England and Wales - Established in 1973 to represent the collective interests of a wide variety of professional associations and faith communities in deepening and strengthening provision for Religious Education.

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