Blind Disability Sports Recreation and Sports

Charity co-ordinating sport for the blind and partially sighted in the UK. Includes information on various sports and how they are adapted, fundraising, news, events, and a discussion forum.

    Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Recreation and Sports: Sports: Disability


See Also:
  • Sheffield Goalball - A bunch of people who say they enjoy blind throwing themselves disability on the floor and chucking a blind large hard ball at disability each other whilst blindfolded. blind Rules, rankings and times and location disability of meetings.
  • UK Audio Network - Sports Network - Designed for people with vision difficulties. Includes channels on goalball, disability cricket, soccer, bowls, athletics, beepball and tenpin. Requires realplayer.
  • Metro Blind Sport - A London based sports and social club for sports visually impaired sports people of all ages primarily living sports within the M25.
  • - Governing body for the sport. Includes development plan, sports events calendar, mailing lists, and contacts. Features text sports only and graphic versions of site.
  • British Blind Sport - Charity co-ordinating sport for the blind and partially blind sighted in the UK. Includes information on various blind sports and how they are adapted, fundraising, news, blind events, and a discussion forum.

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