Schools Education Israel Middle East

Americans for Israel and Torah maintains a network of schools and "child havens" in Israel for youth-at-risk, including youngsters from immigrant families, from severely dysfunctional families, and from families living below the poverty line.

    Top: Regional: Middle East: Israel: Education


  • Sharei Bina - Women's center of Jewish studies, Located in Tzfat.
  • Neve Shalom - The school for peace conducts courses and encounters israel on the Jewish-Arab conflict for youth and adults, israel as well as training courses for conflict group israel facilitators.
  • AMIT - Americans for Israel and Torah maintains a network education of schools israel and "child havens" in Israel for education youth-at-risk, including youngsters from israel immigrant families, from severely education dysfunctional families, and from families living israel below the education poverty line.
  • Hechal - Studies focused on universal spirituality and psychological awareness. Mission statement, schools courses, and events.
  • Derech Etz Chaim - A one-year Israel learning experience in a Yeshiva israel located in Har-Nof, Jerusalem. With information about financial israel aid and contact details.
  • Hand in Hand - The center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel is education establishing a israel new paradigm for Israeli education: integrated, education bilingual schools where Jewish israel and Arab children and education their families learn and grow together.

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