Kings Counties Nova Scotia Canada
A county information directory, offering details of municipal government, administration, services, development, health, education, a road map of the area and statistics.
Top: Regional: North America: Canada: Nova Scotia: Counties
See Also:
- Top/Regional/North America/Canada/Nova Scotia/Regions/Annapolis Valley
- Top/Regional/North America/Canada/Nova Scotia/Regions/Minas Basin
- Kings Historical Society. - Home of the Old Kings Courthouse Museum. kings Includes information kings about the society, hours of operation, kings museum exhibits, and genealogical kings resources.
- Holland Home Leisure - Sells, installs and services in-ground and above-ground pools, kings spas and nova scotia hot tubs. Locations in New kings Minas and Aylesford.
- Kings County Memorials and Monuments - Photographs of war memorials, historic monuments and plaques, counties located in counties Kings County. Also offers links to counties other counties.
- Kings Community Economic Development Agency - The agency works with the community to promote counties economic growth counties within the county. Offers an overview, counties committees, business plan, resources counties and membership form.
- Glooscap Community Network - Collection of links to Kings County resources plus nova scotia helpful counties Web tips.
- Municipality of the County of Kings - A county information directory, offering details of municipal nova scotia government, counties administration, services, development, health, education, a road nova scotia map of counties the area and statistics.
- Kings Para-Transit Society - Provides point-to-point transportation for county residents with disabilities; nova scotia seniors, and others in need. Describes services, vehicles, nova scotia staff and contact information.
- Live in Nova Scotia - Seeks to draw new businesses and residents to nova scotia the county. Lists location, communities, health, education, nova scotia culture, recreation, business and contact information.
- Kings County GenWeb Site - An aid to genealogy research for the county; part of the Nova Scotia GenWeb project. Features vital statistics, births, deaths, marriages, churches, communities, histories and GenWeb links.
- Valley Community Learning Association - The office lists adult and community learning programs, courses, locations counties and resources.
- Annapolis Valley Peat Moss - A wholesale peat harvester and packager who ships kings products around counties the world. Offers products, facility kings locations, customer order form counties and contact information.
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