Pleasant Bay Localities Nova Scotia Canada

A restaurant specializing in seafood and home made chowders. Offers a good view of the bay, information, photos, and contact details.

    Top: Regional: North America: Canada: Nova Scotia: Localities: P

Pleasant Bay

See Also:
  • Black Whale Seafood Restaurant - Background information and photos.
  • Mike's Place - A restaurant specializing in seafood and home made p chowders. Offers localities a good view of the bay, p information, photos, and contact localities details.
  • Gampo Abbey - A monastery of the Kagyü lineage of Tibetan p Buddhism. localities Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche is abbot and p Pema Chödrön is resident localities teacher. Lists programs, p life at the abbey, traveling directions, localities affiliates and p contact details.

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