Lotus Localities California United States
Provides a brief history of this historic cemetery on Bassi Road, and lists names and dates from headstones and other records.
Top: Regional: North America: United States: California: Localities: L
See Also:
- Top/Regional/North America/United States/California/Counties/El Dorado
- Top/Regional/North America/United States/California/Localities/C/Coloma
- El Dorado County History: Uniontown - Describes the early history of the Lotus area, l including the localities establishment of the Lotus Post Office l in January, 1881.
- Sierra Nevada House - Historic facility provides a restaurant, bar, outdoor cafe, l event hall, l nine hotel rooms, wedding and catering l services.
- The Cafe Mahjaic & Lotus Inn - Historic building houses restaurant with New American cuisine and a six-room inn.
- Uniontown Cemetery Records - Provides a brief history of this historic cemetery l on Bassi localities Road, and lists names and dates l from headstones and other localities records.
- Lotus Art Studio - Gallery specializing in local artists and artisans features localities examples of their work.
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