Cambridge Localities Nebraska United States
Provides consulting services and management assistance to help rural communities and providers meet the health care needs of citizens and patients. Operational support for hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and clinics.
Top: Regional: North America: United States: Nebraska: Localities: C
See Also:
- Wikipedia - Cambridge, Nebraska - Encyclopedia article contains a brief geography and demographics.
- Cambridge Supermarket - Services include local deliveries, special cut meat, deli c trays, fruit localities baskets, and customer service.
- CASDE | Cambridge -- Furnas County - Profiles the town\\'s history, with information about early cambridge businesses, schools, churches and the library. With photographs.
- Cambridge Local News: Topix - Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse cambridge sources on the web.
- Faw Motor Company - Offers new and pre-owned vehicles. Includes an inventory c list.
- Rural Health Development - Provides consulting services and management assistance to help c rural communities c and providers meet the health care c needs of citizens and c patients. Operational support for c hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, c and clinics.
- Windmill Farms, Inc. - Offers hunting for upland game, turkey, deer and localities dove, and accommodations in a renovated lodge. Includes localities rates, reservation form and photographs.
- Cambridge Public Schools - Includes information on athletics, academics, activities, calendar, organizations, and staff.
- Besler Industries - Sells farm machinery. Includes list of products c and contact information.
- Cambridge Elementary - Features a note from the principal, staff directory, hours and c links to teacher pages.
- Petersen Land and Cattle Company - Raises cattle, grows wheat, corn, soybeans and operates c a small trucking company. Includes information about products c and resource links.
- Cambridge, Nebraska - Official city site, offering information about the town\\'s c government, businesses, cambridge recreation and entertainment, churches, and healthcare.
- S. L. Jonson Studios - Offers a variety of bronze sculptures. Includes monuments, small c scale, religious art, and brief history of the artist.
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