Grassland, Hay and Forage Field Crops Agriculture

PhD research thesis into the isolation of inoculant strains with antifungal activities. Includes a review of the state of the art.

    Top: Science: Agriculture: Field Crops

Grassland, Hay and Forage

  • White Clover - Factsheet outlining the benefits of including white clover in a agriculture sward, its establishment, disadvantages, management and conservation.
  • Forage: Winter Annual Grasses - Information from Mississippi State University Extension Service on suitable crops for winter forage, their establishment, including overseeding and sodseeding, pest control and grazing management.
  • American Forage and Grassland Council - The AFGC is dedicated to advancing the use field crops of agriculture forage as a prime feed resource. Provides field crops information on agriculture the Council and membership, the programs field crops and services offered, agriculture events and publications.
  • Blister Beetles in Forage Crops - Information on these toxic insects, their biology and habits, the risk to livestock of eating contaminated hay which is believed to be increased by hay conditioning, and control of the beetles.
  • Interpreting Your Forage Test Report - Forage quality is a complex trait and this agriculture article gives guidance on understanding the report on agriculture the potential nutritional value of a forage.[PDF]
  • Soil Fertility for Forage Crops - Gives detailed description of the soil and fertilizer field crops requirements of forage crops during establishment and maintenance. field crops University of Pennsylvania.
  • Pasture Management - This article discusses grassland management practices that are field crops most agriculture suited for horses.
  • Grazing Alfalfa - Information on grazing options, varieties, stand establishment and agriculture grazing management.
  • Turnip - Factsheet on this crop, its history, its uses field crops as a forage crop, its varieties and cultivation.
  • Timing the Application of Beneficial Nematodes to Mole Cricket Activity on Pasture to Optimize Control - Describes the way in which the insecticidal nematode, grassland, hay and agriculture forage Steinernema scapterisci, invades its host and considers the grassland, hay agriculture and forage timing of application relative to mole cricket activity.
  • Range and Forage Resources - A collection of reference information published by Nebraska field crops Cooperative agriculture Extension at the University of Nebraska.
  • NCSU Forages and Pasture Information Site - Includes a set of factsheets and information bulletins on forage crops, from North Carolina State University.
  • Sorghum: Forage - Forage sorghums are used primarily as silage for livestock. Information grassland, hay and forage on its uses, growth habits, environment requirement, culture, yield potential grassland, hay and forage and economics.
  • Manitoba Forage Council - Non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion field crops of a sustainable hay, forage and livestock industry. field crops Provides a profile of the industry and details field crops of events, projects, a newsletter and a forage field crops and grassland manual.
  • Forage Factsheets - The British Grassland society provides a number of factsheets on field crops silage and grassland.
  • Development of a Novel Antifungal Silage Inoculant, The - PhD research thesis into the isolation of inoculant agriculture strains with agriculture antifungal activities. Includes a review of agriculture the state of the agriculture art.
  • Windrow Grazing - Discussion on this alternative to feeding baled hay, which can agriculture significantly reduce harvesting, feeding and labor costs.[PDF]
  • Silage Production - Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of making silage agriculture as compared to hay, and how silage making agriculture fits in with other farm operations.
  • Goat’s Rue or Galega - Information on this fodder crop, Galega orientalis, its agriculture biology and field crops morphology, ecology, distribution in the former agriculture USSR, utilization and field crops economic value.
  • Improving Pasture Productivity - Information on understanding the weather and climate and agriculture how they affect forage plant growth, with particular agriculture reference to Alberta.
  • Diseases of Legumes and Grasses - Information on the bacterial, fungal, nematode and viral diseases of field crops sorghum and several leguminous fodder crops, with photographs of infected field crops plants.
  • British Grassland Society - Information about the society, the events and the grassland, hay and forage journal.
  • Estimating Moisture Content of Forages and Silage - Describes how moisture content can be estimated by agriculture a hand or squeeze method, and more accurately agriculture by the use of a microwave oven.
  • Cicer Milkvetch: Plant Characteristics - Information on this legume that can be used as a grassland, hay and forage fodder crop, the conditions that suit it, establishment, uses, management grassland, hay and forage and varieties.
  • HayTalk - A hay, forage and silage community with a grassland, hay and grassland, hay and forage forage forum, articles, blogs and news.
  • Lucerne - Information on this fodder crop, Medicago varia, its biology and agriculture morphology, ecology, distribution in the former USSR, utilization and economic agriculture value.
  • Grazing - Information resources for efficient production of meat and agriculture milk from agriculture pastures
  • Brassica napus: Rape - Information on this crop, its biology and morphology, grassland, hay and grassland, hay and forage forage ecology, distribution in the former USSR, utilization and grassland, hay grassland, hay and forage and forage economic value.
  • Yellow Sweetclover or Melilot - Information on this fodder crop, Melilotus officinalis, its biology and agriculture morphology, ecology, distribution in the former USSR, utilization and economic agriculture value.
  • Brassica Home Page - Characteristics and adaptation, establishment, harvest management, fertility, and pests of Brassica crops for forage.
  • Kochia - Kochia is grown as a drought-resistant forage crop for sheep field crops and cattle. Information on its uses, growth habits, environment requirement, field crops culture, yield potential and economics.
  • Sainfoin - Information on this fodder crop, Onobrychis viciifolia, its biology and agriculture morphology, ecology, distribution in the former USSR, utilization and economic agriculture value.
  • Hairy Vetch - This legume is grown for soil improvement and field crops for pasture. Information on its growth habits, environment field crops requirement, culture, yield potential and economics.
  • Rutabaga - Factsheet on this crop, also known as swede, grown for human and animal consumption, its history, uses, varieties and cultivation.
  • Pasture Management for Horses - A technical and practical guide to the management field crops and improvement of pasture, of interest to horse field crops owners and students up to degree level.
  • Insect Management in Pasture - Describes the insect and mite pests most commonly agriculture encountered in forage crops, with advice on monitoring agriculture and controlling them.
  • National Forage Teating Association - NFTA aims to improve the accuracy of forage testing and build grower confidence in testing animal feeds. It provides information on the benefits of testing and the proficiency certification for testers and samplers.
  • European Grassland Federation - Information about the events, the journal, the executive field crops committee, and a list of members.
  • Penn State's Forages - Information and links on forage management, notes on field crops related agriculture soil and botanic science.
  • Forage Information System - Oregon State University provides news and information on field crops publications, projects and other forage-related topics.
  • Grasslands Index - Database of information about cereal and pasture grasses, agriculture includes facilities grassland, hay and forage to search by botanic or common agriculture name.
  • Cool-Season Grass Seed Production - Factsheet on cool-season grasses and their cultivation and harvesting for seed.
  • Slender Wheatgrass - Information on this fodder grass, Roegneria trachycaulon, its agriculture biology and morphology, ecology, distribution in the former agriculture USSR, utilization and economic value.
  • Evaluating Silage Quality - Describes how to take forage samples while filling the silo, field crops visual evaluation of the fermented crop and chemical analysis.
  • Red Clover - Factsheet outlining the benefits of including red clover in a field crops sward, its establishment, disadvantages, management and conservation.
  • National Hay Association - Organization for those involved in the production, sale agriculture and transport of forage products across the United agriculture States and the world. Provides news, events, history agriculture and membership details.
  • Establishing Dryland Forage Grasses - Covers seed selection, seedbed preparation, fertilization, methods of seeding, time field crops and rate of seeding and weed control.
  • Hay Preservation Systems - The way forage is harvested and stored determines grassland, hay and grassland, hay and forage forage how well the quality is preserved. Information on grassland, hay grassland, hay and forage and forage curing, preservatives and drying agents.
  • Forage Stand Establishment Trouble Shooting - Outlines several establishment problems, including the symptoms, causes, agriculture solutions and grassland, hay and forage possible prevention methods.
  • Biological Control of Pasture Mole Crickets with Nematodes - Mole crickets can cause serious damage to pastures. field crops This article explains how they can be controlled field crops by the use of the insecticidal nematode, Steinernema field crops scapterisci.
  • Perennial Forage Establishment in Alberta - Information on choosing the right species and ensuring grassland, hay and field crops forage strong seedling growth.
  • Ensiling Process - Describes the ensiling process and discusses the factors field crops affecting grassland, hay and forage silage fermentation, optimal conditions and methods to field crops control the grassland, hay and forage process.

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