Pests and Diseases Lentils Legumes Field Crops
Provides a list of the common and scientific names for the fungal, viral and parasitic nematode diseases that may infect this crop.
Top: Science: Agriculture: Field Crops: Legumes: Lentils
Pests and Diseases
- Diseases of Lentils - An identification guide to the diseases that may lentils infect this crop, with photographs, brief descriptions of lentils the symptoms and suggested management strategies.
- Diseases Of Lentil (Lens culinaris) - Provides a list of the common and scientific names for the fungal, viral and parasitic nematode diseases that may infect this crop.
- Lentil Anthracnose - Photographs and information on this disease including the symptoms, disease lentils cycle and control measures that can be used.
- Seed-Treatment Fungicides for Control of Seedborne Ascochyta lentis on Lentil - Outlines research comparing different methods of preventing this pests and diseases legumes disease.
- Lentil Botrytis - Grey mold caused by Botrytis cinerea can be pests and diseases legumes a problem particularly in wet weather conditions. Photographs pests and diseases legumes and information on the symptoms, disease cycle and pests and diseases legumes possible control measures.
- Botrytis Stem and Pod Rot - Information on grey mold caused by Botrytis cinerea, pests and diseases pests and diseases its appearance, disease cycle and disease control from pests and diseases pests and diseases Discovery Seed Labs in Canada which offers a pests and diseases pests and diseases seed testing service.
- Ascochyta Disease in Lentils - Information on this disease, its symptoms, disease cycle and disease control from Discovery Seed Labs in Canada which offers a seed testing service.
- Lentil Ascochyta Blight - Photographs and information on this disease of lentils including the pests and diseases symptoms, disease cycle and control measures that can be used.
- List of Lentil Diseases - Gives the common and scientific name for the fungal, parasitic nematode and viral diseases that affect Lens culinaris.
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