Forestry Agriculture Science

Providing information on forest soils teaching, research and outreach programs at Virginia Tech and other sources relating to soil science and hydrology.

    Top: Science: Agriculture


See Also:
  • Treeture Web Site - An environmental education effort with a direct focus science on trees. science Program promotes activities held throughout the science U.S. that combine environmental science education with entertainment for science younger children.
  • Eduforest - Promotes education in forestry related disciplines in Europe.
  • Reforestation as an Investment: Does it Pay? - This publication illustrates that reforestation can be an excellent long-term science investment even using very conservative timber price and management assumptions.[PDF]
  • AFOCEL - Forest research services, for the timber and paper forestry production industries. science French based.
  • ForEco Technologies - Provides computer systems for forest management planning, forestry regimes simulation forestry and optimisation and also offers consultancy services.
  • Lithuanian Forest Inventory and Management Institute - About forest management activities in the country. Includes agriculture statistics and links. In English and Lithuanian.
  • Texas Forest Service - Statewide leadership and professional assistance for the state\\'s agriculture forest, tree, and related natural resources.
  • Euroforest Portal - Provides access to a range of information catalogued forestry by subject or topic and covering most of forestry Europe.
  • Forest Soils - Providing information on forest soils teaching, research and outreach programs at Virginia Tech and other sources relating to soil science and hydrology.
  • Heating with Wood: Producing, Harvesting and Processing Firewood - Provides information on the use of wood for fuel, the forestry characteristics of different tree species, and the harvesting of timber, forestry a process that can improve the quality and growth rates forestry of the remaining trees.[PDF]
  • NSW Department of Primary Industries: Forests - Australian government agency providing information on managing and planting new forests, agroforestry, recreation, education and environmental services.
  • World Forestry Center - Information about the World Forestry education exhibits and forestry programs at forestry the Center\\'s museum location in Portland, forestry demonstration forests in Oregon, forestry international programs and research forestry activities.
  • USDA Forest Service - Northeastern Area - Emphasis on state and private forestry information.
  • Evaluating the Forest Stewardship Program Through a National Survey of Participating Forest Land Owners - A study to determine if US Forest Stewardship Plans are meeting their purpose.
  • Sons of David Foundation on Paulownia - A blog advocating the use of Paulownia to assist the science peoples of the tropics to find new sources of income science and ways to improve the quality of their lives.
  • World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding - A large collection of links for forest geneticists science and tree agriculture breeders.
  • Tree-ring research on conifers in the French Alps - Details of research into certain specific species. Also agriculture photographs of forestry sections of timber from a worldwide agriculture selection of trees.
  • Institute for Commercial Forestry Research - South African research and publications services. Free to agriculture sponsoring companies.
  • Tree Trends - Weblog about tree biology, forestry, conservation, and related topics. Includes science photos, articles about specific species, and comments on recent news science and scientific developments.
  • Agroforestry Overview - This publication presents the principles of agroforestry, an forestry overview of common practices, marketing considerations, several case forestry studies, and an extensive list of further resources.[PDF]
  • Forestry Index - A categorised collection of links, with annotations, on forestry forestry science forestry and business.
  • Don't Buy SFI - Criticism of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative as forestry a tool science and a distraction developed by the forestry larger players in the science US forestry industry.
  • Resource Unit for Participatory Forestry - RUPFOR is a neutral multistakeholders\\' forum promoting interaction science among various stakeholders in participatory forestry in India.
  • Forest Inventory and Analysis - National program office for U.S. forests; includes database search by agriculture a variety of attributes.

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