Research Centers Forestry Agriculture
A private, non-profit wood products research and development corporation. It was established in 1979 as Canada's applied research institute for the solid wood products industry.
Top: Science: Agriculture: Forestry
Research Centers
See Also:
- Top/Science/Institutions/Research Institutes
- Top/Science/Environment/Organizations/Research Institutes
- USGS - Snake River Field Station - Research, publications, geospatial data, news and information relating to the Snake River region ecosystem, with emphasis on raptor ecology, biology and habitat.
- HJ Andrews Experimental Forest - Located in the Pacific Northwest. Offers research data, research centers publications, and information as well as links to research centers other Long-term ecological research sites(LTER).
- Kerala Forest Research Institute - Established under the Science and Technology policy adopted agriculture by the agriculture Government of Kerala as an autonomous agriculture institution to undertake research agriculture in forestry and biodiversity.
- Stand Management Cooperative - Cooperative effort of the forest products industry, state and federal forestry organizations, to provide a continuing source of high quality information forestry on the long-term effects of silvicultural treatments and treatment regimes forestry on stand and tree growth and develop
- Paper Science and Engineering (PSE) Laboratory - University of Washington - Lists research and testing services offered to industry, agriculture including analysis forestry of raw materials or products, laboratory-scale agriculture paper machine trials, process forestry modeling, pulping and bleaching agriculture studies, physical and optical paper testing, forestry and coating.
- National Council for Forest Research and Development - Ireland based site containing information on research publications, news, events, research centers funding programs and vacancies.
- British Columbia Forest Service Research Branch - Details include publications, software for download, and details research centers of research centers research and projects.
- Duke Forest - Research forest for Duke University. Site has links to forestry research, management, public recreation, outreach programs, and resources.
- Research Center for Forest Ecology and Environment - RCFEE is an institution working under the Forest research centers Science forestry Institute of Vietnam, researching sustainable uses of research centers forests and forestry forestland, forest ecology and physiology, and research centers environmental monitoring, prediction forestry and assessment.
- Syktyvkar Forest Institute Center of Geoinformation Technologies - Aims to teach ecological principles to forestry managers. Russia.
- Fire and Mountain Ecology Lab Home Page - Conducts ecological and sociological research in National Parks agriculture and other research centers Protected Areas of the Pacific Northwest
- USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Flagstaff Lab - One of seven U.S. Forest Service research stations for forestry and forest products, publications, seminars and research.
- USGS - Cascadia Field Station - Provides research, publications, geospatial data, news and information. forestry Studies the biological and social aspects of resource forestry management issues in national parks and other protected forestry areas on public lands throughout the Northwest and forestry beyond. Located at the
- World Forest Institute - Access to information on international markets, new products, forestry evolving technologies, research centers wood species and characteristics, and emerging forestry trends in forestry. A research centers division of the World forestry Forestry Center.
- Cooperative Forest Ecosystem Research (CFER) - Oregon State University - A multidisciplinary, integrated research program to develop and convey research agriculture information to land managers. Links to research needs, publications, agriculture news and general information.
- METLA: Finnish Forest Research Institute - An independent research organization under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It produces research-based information for decision-makers, forest industries and practical forestry, as well as for the public at large.
- Precision Forestry Cooperative - University of Washington, CFR - Created to conduct pioneering research in forest production, agriculture management, and manufacturing at a new scale of agriculture resolution and accuracy with the goal of producing agriculture economic and environmental benefits.
- Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute - University of Pretoria, specializes in research on forest forestry pests and diseases.
- Rural Technology Initiative - University of Washington - Objective is to use better technology to manage forestry forests in research centers rural areas for increased product and forestry environmental values in support research centers of local communities. Links forestry to projects, calendar, seminars and publications.
- The Institute of Wood Science - Promotes and encourages a better understanding of timber, wood-based materials agriculture and associated timber processes. Journals, annual meetings, courses and membership agriculture information. United Kingdom.
- The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden - SkogForsk is the research institute of the Swedish forestry sector. agriculture It carries out applied research in a variety of different agriculture fields; development of technology, environmental and conservation issues, breeding of agriculture forestry trees, organizational issues and m
- University of Alaska, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station - Undertakes research on solving problems in agriculture and agriculture the forest research centers sciences appropriate to Alaska.
- Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest - Kentucky - Information on research, outreach, history, publications and programs.
- USFS - Southern Research Station - Conducts research in forestry resource science and technology agriculture for forest sustainability and productivity in southern ecosystems agriculture and environmental quality.
- USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station - PNW - Organized into seven programs conducted at ten locations: forestry nine laboratories agriculture in Alaska, Washington, and Oregon, and forestry a Wood Utilization Center agriculture in Sitka, Alaska. Forestry forestry research sites were established to evaluate agriculture and disseminate forestry information and technology
- European Forest Institute - An independent non-governmental organisation conducting European forest research.
- Center for Streamside Studies - University of Washington - Offers information on education programs, research publications, events, forestry and outreach research centers related to stream and river ecosystems, forestry in both forested and research centers urban areas.
- Olympic Natural Resources Center - University of Washington - Events, news, research and education. Archive of Olympic Peninsula geospatial and biological data.
- USGS - Olympic Field Station - Research, publications, geospatial data, news and information for agriculture the Olympic research centers peninsula.
- USFS - Northern Research Station - Midwest U.S. - Natural resource research and development in the Midwest. forestry Provides the scientific basis for decisions and policies forestry that affect the management and use of forests forestry in the region.
- Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur - One of eight regional institutes set up to agriculture provide research support to the problems of forest agriculture management in central India.
- USFS - Rocky Mountain Research Station - Conducts research in forestry resource science and technology for forest forestry sustainability and productivity in Rocky Mountain ecosystems and environmental quality.
- Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing in Ecology (LARSE) - Oregon State - Provides research data and links to MODLand products such as forestry surface reflectance, spectral vegetation indices, land cover, the absorbed fraction forestry of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR), leaf area index (LAI), net forestry primary productivity (NPP), and land
- Yale Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry - Conducts education and research in the management of forests, and the promotion of forestry in privately held lands.
- USFS - Northeastern Research Station - Conducts extensive research to enhance and protect productivity agriculture on all research centers of America\\'s forests and rangelands with agriculture special attention to long-term research centers resource issues of national agriculture and international scope in the northeastern research centers United States.
- Silviculture Laboratory - University of Washington - Provides information on research, publications, education seminars, and research centers software downloads for Landscape Management Systems (LMS) developed research centers at the lab.
- Urban and Community Forestry - Human Dimensions - Social science research at the University of Washington with links agriculture to research publications, presentations, and general information about the urban/forest agriculture interface.
- Oregon State University Research Forests - Living laboratories where active forest management practices provide teaching, research and demonstration opportunities for students of all ages, forest managers, and Oregonians. Links to research, inventories, geospatial data, recreation, and all of the
- Charles L. Pack Forest - University of Washington College of Forest Resources - Pack forest provides virtual hikes, educational programs, interactive games and forestry tours, videos and information on research, events and outreach. Geospatial forestry data, conference center bookings, timber sales and forest operations information.
- Forestry and Natural Resources - Description and links to all of U.C. Berkeley\\'s agriculture research forests. research centers Publications, research, outreach, lecture series agriculture and calendar of events.
- Edinburgh Centre for Tropical Forests - Association supporting the sustainable management of forests and their contribution agriculture to society throughout the world. Details services, projects, events and agriculture reports.
- Forestry & Forest Products Research Centre - South Africa - Contract research in forestry, wood quality, wood properties, research centers pulp and paper, sawmilling, remote sensing; and software research centers programs for the forestry and forest products industry.
- Forintek Canada Corp. - A private, non-profit wood products research and development forestry corporation. It was established in 1979 as Canada\\'s forestry applied research institute for the solid wood products forestry industry.
- Lubrecht Experimental Forest: University of Montana - Contains information on the history of the forest, research centers conference forestry center, research programs, ecosystem learning center and research centers staff.
- USDA Forest Service Research and Development - Operates eight forestry and forest products research stations around the U.S.
- Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Upper Peninsula Tree Improvement Center (UPTIC) - Center for Michigan State University forestry research in agriculture the Upper Peninsula, including the Dunbar Forest Experiment agriculture Station and the Jim Wells Forests. Research publications, agriculture facility descriptions, interactive tours and quiz.
- Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute of Japan - Focuses on sustainability, industry, rural community development, productivity agriculture and environmental conservation.
- FAO Forestry Programme - Part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United forestry Nations. Addressing the problem of how to use forest resources forestry to improve people\\'s condition while ensuring that the resource is forestry conserved to meet the needs of future generations.
- USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center - Provides scientific understanding and technology to support sound research centers management and conservation of forest and rangeland ecosystems research centers in the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West. FRESC research centers employs research scientists, technical professionals, and administrativ
- CIFOR - Center for International Forestry Research - Concentrates on research and publications about tropical forestry research centers and forestry sociology in developing nations. Research abstracts, research centers publications, job forestry opportunities and software downloads.
- SEREX - Serex leads research activities for the needs of the transformation of the forest products industry and offers a variety of services to the participants of the forest products transformation.
- USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station - California & Hawaii - Contains links to publications, journals, research proposals, databases and links research centers to other USFS research forests.
- Harvard Forest - Harvard University - A base for research and education in forest biology. Focus on silviculture and forest management, soils and the development of forest site concepts, the biology of temperate and tropical trees, forest ecology and economics and ecosystem dynamics. Links t
- Research Forests - University of British Columbia - Description and links to all of the research forests at forestry the University of British Columbia. The Alex Fraser Research forestry Forest and the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest provide publications, education forestry and demonstrations.
- International Union of Forest Research Organizations - Provides membership information, research publications, conference and meeting forestry information, and agriculture links to individual country sub-groups.
- Cloquet Forestry Center - University of Minnesota - The principal forestry field station of the University of Minnesota. forestry It serves as a regional and national center for instructional, forestry research, and outreach programs for the natural resources community.
- The Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study (CLAMS) - Oregon State - A multi-disciplinary research effort to analyze the aggregate agriculture ecological, economic, and social consequences of forest policies agriculture of different land owners in the Coast Range. agriculture Links to maps, projects, data, publications and agriculture general information.
- Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products - An independent scientific institution in the portfolio of the German research centers Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (BML) researching forestry research centers and forest products.
- Cooperative Forest Genetics Research Project - University of Florida - Develops genetically-improved varieties of southern pines for the reforestation of harvested timberlands in the lower coastal plain of the southern United States. Provides technical assistance, research support and educational resources.
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