Silviculture Forestry Agriculture

Information on this fast-growing tree which shows promise for timber use, shelterbelts, land reclamation and as a producer of biomass.

    Top: Science: Agriculture: Forestry


  • Opportunities for Intensive Pine Plantation Management - Describes research at the University of Georgia where it has been found that productivity can be greatly increased by adopting intensive pine plantation establishment and management practices.
  • Site Preparation Methods and Contracts - This article discusses the factors to be considered when deciding silviculture how to prepare the site for seeding and what to silviculture specify when a contract is drawn up.[PDF]
  • Minimizing Wildfire Risk - This forest landowners’ guide gives assistance on assessing the risk agriculture of fire damage and the management practices that should be agriculture adopted to make fires less likely and less devastating to agriculture trees and homes.[PDF]
  • Financial Maturity: A Guide to Increasing Financial Returns from your Woodland - Gives assistance in calculating the best time to harvest timber agriculture depending on the landowner’s objectives.
  • Andean Alder: Alnus acuminata - Information on this fast-growing tree which shows promise forestry for timber silviculture use, shelterbelts, land reclamation and as forestry a producer of biomass.[PDF]
  • An Information Guide to Forest and Wildlife Management - Provides assistance in obtaining advice for forest landowners, listing resources silviculture for North Carolina and at regional and national level.[PDF]
  • Christmas Tree Notes - A comprehensive series of informational sheets provided by agriculture North Carolina agriculture State University Cooperative Extension on the agriculture subject of Christmas tree agriculture production and marketing.
  • Pruning Forest Trees - Information on when to prune, the procedures to follow and silviculture care after pruning.
  • Tropical Tree Seed Manual - Provides a series of pdf files on seed biology, seed agriculture collection, storage, dormancy, germination and other topics.
  • Forestry on a Budget - Provides a series of articles by faculty members at the Warnell School of Forest Resources at the University of Georgia on increasing outputs without increasing inputs.
  • Natural Regeneration Using Seed Trees - Describes the process of seed tree regeneration where, agriculture at harvest, agriculture a number of individual trees are agriculture left across an area agriculture to provide seed for agriculture the production of the next crop agriculture of trees.
  • Crop Tree Management: A New Tool - Crop trees are trees that produce the desired forestry landowner benefits. This factsheet gives guidance on identifying forestry goals and objectives and then developing suitable crop forestry tree selection criteria.
  • Planting Your New Stewardship Forest - Outlines modifications to a planting plan that can benefit wildlife, improve soil and water protection, and enhance recreation and aesthetics.[PDF]
  • Storing, Handling and Planting Southern Pine Seedlings - Provides advice on seedling care, how and when to plant, forestry and the number of seedlings required per acre.
  • Hevea brasiliensis - Information on the propogation and cultivation of the rubber tree.
  • Forest Nursery Notes - Nursery news and literature service supplying free information forestry to foresters forestry in the United States, Canada and forestry elsewhere.
  • Pruning Woodland Trees - Provides guidance on the removal of live or silviculture dead branches agriculture from standing trees in order to silviculture enhance the quality and agriculture value of the timber.[PDF]
  • The Influence of Soils and Species on Tree Root Depth - Peter Crow provides a guide to expected rooting depth ranges agriculture of trees for a selection of species on soils with agriculture different characteristics.[PDF]
  • Flood Damage to Trees - Article by Dr Kim Coder describing the main silviculture impacts of flooding, problems with seed germination, seedlings, silviculture root problems, tree growth responses, flood tolerance, toppling silviculture and advice on management.
  • Timber Stand Improvement - Provides guidance on improving productivity by prescribed burning, forestry culling, thinning and release.
  • Nursery and Tree Improvement - South Carolina Forestry Commission aims to provide high agriculture quality, improved agriculture seedlings for landowners in the state.
  • Forestry Herbicide Facts - Provides information on herbicides recommended for use when agriculture establishing young silviculture trees, including product names and active agriculture ingredients, with modes of silviculture action and environmental considerations.
  • Felling, Bucking and Limbing Trees - Provides guidance for the occasional chain-saw operator on safe practices forestry to use for these operations.
  • Tree Planting Guide - Gives guidance on care and handling of seedlings and planting methods, including using a planting hoe, planting machine and dibble.
  • Plant Materials Directory - This directory of plant material suppliers is searchable forestry by state, agriculture product or a keyword.
  • Restoring Trees after a Hurricane - Information on this process, typically requiring one or agriculture more prunings silviculture to develop a strong tree structure.[PDF]
  • Woodlot Enterprises - This publication discusses the many products which can be harvested, agriculture processed, and sold from an ordinary woodlot as well as agriculture timber.[PDF]
  • Forest Management - Provides guidance on giving woodland proper care so that it remains healthy and vigorous and able to provide the products and amenities the landowner desires.
  • Forest Soils and Site Index - Provides guidance on calculating the site index, which agriculture will determine silviculture the likely return on land, and agriculture selecting appropriate species to silviculture produce economically acceptable returns.[PDF]
  • Before You Order Tree Seedlings - University of Missouri Extension gives guidance on selecting species to suit the soil and climate.
  • Oak Regeneration - A series of photographs showing oak woodland and silviculture the different processes involved in regeneration.
  • Forestry Terms for the Woodland Owner - Provides definitions and explanations of terms used in forestry.
  • Steps to Successful Pine Plantings - Provides guidance on drawing up a tree-planting contract, agriculture and help in selecting, handling, storing, root pruning agriculture and planting seedlings.[PDF]
  • Drought Damage to Trees - Article by Dr Kim Coder into the progressive response of trees to lack of water, the effects on growth, biological lag effects, drought hardening, increased pest damage and the visible symptoms.
  • Thinning Pine Stands - Provides guidance on the cutting or removal of certain trees silviculture from a stand to regulate the number, quality and distribution silviculture of the remaining trees.[PDF]
  • RNGR: Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetics Resources - RNGR aims to supply people who grow tree silviculture seedlings with agriculture the latest technical information and provides silviculture links to other organizations agriculture with similar aims.
  • How to Plant Forest Trees - Guidance on storing seedlings, planting by hand and by machine, agriculture and care of plantations.
  • Principles of Regeneration Silviculture in Virginia - Information on forest management and the shelterwood, seed-tree and clear-cutting silviculture systems of regeneration.

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